My mom is sad.
My mom is sad.
For one issue. She is introduced and killed in the same issue and referenced in flashback for like 3 other.
You are singularly alone by choosing Disturbed’s Sounds of Silence. Tell me you’re not a singer without telling me you’re not a singer. For reference please watch The Charismatic Voice’s reaction video. I will introduce Elizabeth by saying she is a professional opera singer with a Masters Degree in Operatic Voice.
How can people vouch so fulsomely for someone who’s been convicted of multiple rapes? I suspect, as lifelong friends of Masterson, they believe him when he tell them he’s not guilty of the crimes for which he was accused. This is a man they have been close friends with them for over 20 years, and if what they say in…
Wow, the Reddit trolls are out in force. This isn’t “just” a leak. He didn’t buy a legal copy early, or even violate a review embargo. This guy allegedly stole multiple copies and was reselling them for profit. The people who are defending it as “who cares if Microsoft is missing a few thousand dollars” are the exact…
The Replacements is a glaring omission.
I worked for McDonalds for 7 years as a store manager, yeah; its absolute garbage pay for a garbage job. 10/1 beef only takes fucking 13 seconds to cook, and you literally throw buns in a toaster, squirt ketchup, mustard, fake onions, a pickle, maybe some cheese, wrap it and send it to the front.
It ain’t fucking…
Given your first paragraph, it is hard to imagine that you were reasonable in any bans you have issued. You immediately jumped to attacking me when I pointed out the irony of your post. A reasonable person would have looked at that and acknowledged how it could have been perceived as such. A narcissist would not.
Bionic Six or GTFO:
I know it’s hip and cool and edgy to blame the Raiders for this, but I fail to see how they’re in the wrong. This ALL is 100% in Antonio Clown’s hands.
Be like Gallant:
Rob Gronkowski says he couldn’t sleep for weeks after a fairly routine hit in the Super Bowl
And I’ll get Man In The High Castle from torrents
Ultimate dad shoe here in the Pacific NW is most certainly Keens. I own a pair, love them, think they look cool. My similarly-aged (late 40s) male friends agree. Literally every other person I have run into has gotten that horrified/baffled look on their face when seeing them. Including my wife and kids.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
Fuck that. I’m paying for the food and the bag now. I can remember when the supermarket had people that would help you load the groceries in your car. They don’t even do that anymore. They can pay someone to put the stuff I’m giving them money for in a bag that I had to pay for.
All he said was that the bunny at the Menlo Park Mall was more convincing
A GoFundMe page has been established to help cover the costs of replacing Jenkins’ car.
As a Cardinals fan, it kills me the stupid-fan base cares so much about the money they spend. WHO CARES? The Cardinals are one of the most profitable franchises in the US regardless of sport. They can afford ANY free-agent they want, plus some. If they get hit with a bad contract (hello 2018 free agent signings minus…