
That thing where a small number of players sucked up all the desirable real estate is the same bullshit I found in ARK. On just about any public server players would put down one post every 200 yards or so and that prevented anyone from being able to camp there, build a shack, etc. leading to huge swaths of land being

I think she means “du jour”. De jure makes no sense here.

Counterpoint: This is great, just like it was the first time!

I pray her kid is never constipated.

Two or three bowls.

False. Some people may think this and even try to tell others such. But “virtue” as it relates to virginity is absolutely not the sole representation of a woman’s (or anyone’s) worth, according to the actual religion. Nor is their worth tied to the ability to have children within marriage. Sadly some people, in their

Agree completely, dog diarrhea is the worst by far. Most of the time in your life you have to clean up puke it will probably be your kid’s puke. So at least you feel like a good parent while you’re doing it and there is the distraction of trying to comfort your child to keep your mind off the disgusting mess you are

Concur. I had Great Danes. It was painful for everyone involved, which included anyone who lived in the neighborhood.

Diarrhea is the actual worst. I’ve had an instance with my dog and my now 2 year old son when he was a baby. Both of them had the unsavory concoction of gas AND diarrhea which in both cases shot across the floor like a diet coke bottle full of mentos. When the baby did it I had not other recourse than to scream “OH

My wife once called me at work because “My” dog had explosive diarrhea all over the living room and I was going to have to deal with it as soon as I got home. She wasn’t lying, it smelled like he was dying on the inside. It took days for the stench to diminish.

and I will counter with dog PUKE - it’s the worst !!

Yea, been there. What also sucks? Stray dogs vomiting all over your car - like where it runs down between the seats and soaks into the carpet in a confined space. Who knows what kind of vile trash they had been eating to vomit up that putrid stew all over my upholstery. I had to pull over & evacuate the car; then try

The only thing worse than dog diarrhea is dog puke after they’ve eaten poop. That’s what Hell smells like, all the time.

Worse is when your dog poops, eats it, and then vomits. On your couch. And your cable box remote. This was only the second grossest thing this dog ever did.

Conversely, cleaning up dog puke isn’t all too bad. It’s like they know to keep it in one place. On the floor. And I’m a (self-Dx’d) emetophobe.

One time one of my dogs took a soupy, liquid shit on the landing at the bottom of the stairs to the garage (connected townhouse with the garage on the bottom)...while we were out. We parked the car in the garage and when we opened the door to go up, the door (which rubbed along the carpet there) caught and smeared the

My lovely dog had poop completely covering his ass and tail a month ago. I almost puked on him, but made it to the sink instead. That was a long doggie bath... I think I vomited like five times.

I will counter this with vomited dog diarrhea. A few months back, my dog got sick in her kennel while I was at work. She had massive diarrhea, and then ate most of it (probably out of shame). After I got home and started cleaning up her kennel, she proceeded to vomit around a gallon of shit all over the floor.

I will see your dog diarrhea, and raise you dog puke after your dog managed to eat another dog’s shit.

Raise again with dog vomit...that the dog then licks up off the floor...