
“Listen to the sport’s best announcer, Jim Hughson”

I mean this is a very sincere do NOT have to ever type the phrase “The N word”...

Tafoya, Kolber, Andrews, Stark, Coscarelli.....Dude’s a tool. period.

Think he would have said that to Michelle Tafoya? Or Suzy Kolber? Erin Andrews?

Exactly...”And no body knows more than me, that this end of the strip has aways been a dangerous place. NOBODY knows Vegas like me, ok? A place that one really wants to’s at the far OTHER end of the strip, where people truly truly feel safer and it’s just a shame that no one thought about this....I

Yeah I hate that, and you can really only do what you did. I would probably have added a second, “ chipping, go to the chipping green”, with about as much attitude I would be comfortable with. Or tried, “Hey, please don’t chip here, this green is for putting only...the chipping green is right over there.”

Is that the point when you start asking yourself if you really want office building too?

I’M THINKING!! point is that when people look for a crypt, some may say, “Ok, this is nice, by the fountain.” or “This one under the tree is nice”...or, “Oh wow, right next to grandkids would get a kick out of that.”

Bigger markets.

No. The point is that this group of men will likely spend their money elsewhere.

Ok, but what of it was me...and let’s just say I have the money, and I’m out there looking for a crypt and they say, “Oh hey, there’s one right beside Monroe that’s available.” and I say, “’ll take it.” Is that creepy? Like, is NO ONE allowed to buy the empty crypt beside her because it’s

It would be except that the city has presented it to the public that they are paying a full third in cash, matching the Flames third in cash...but they’re not. They are basically loaning the money, which obviously is a message that that is both false and VERY misleading to the Calgary people.’re a complete outsider? That’s awesome. I’m so glad you have read this far along and I’m thankful for your interest in NHL hockey in the City of Fuck off...

Stay out of this Easterner. We already paid you. now it’s the old, “playoff record” argument.

Aww....look like we have ourselves a person who doesn’t have clue either way. Simple question...are the Hitmen and Roughnecks in conjunction with the Flames a positive or a negative to a new arena proposal?

ShUt the fuck up loser...fine, they don’t draw 5 figures...they AVERAGE close to 9000 and they are one of the most profitable and attended teams in the entire CHL. Show me the Hitmen playoff numbers in conjunction with their regular season numbers...use your source instead of mine. You don’t think they draw 5 against