
“I mean, I’m not saying people should do this kind of thing, but...”

Look...I’m no fan of 100% NOT Trump...but Melania, may not know 5 languages, but she sure as fuck knows more than one...and I fucking despise when people make fun of someone not having a command of english when it’s obviously not their native language. Give the fucker a break, she speaks english better

“There is no flag on the play....First down!”

Uhhhmmm...not really in the mood for this coded bullshit that always comes back to money in some people idiotic heads...I mean that Corey is getting ready to talk about the pedophilia issues in Hollywood and that Kevin is going to be one of the biggest of not THE biggest name to get blown the fuck up.

This has got a Corey Feldman angle written all over it....

Not going after money, when you already have a fuck-ton of it, is a whole ‘nuther world. Imagine how many young actors he has harassed and had sign away because even $100k is a lot to them...I swear the list of women is well over 100.

I totally get what you’re saying here, and I’m not going to diminish that...but I can only imagine how many NDA’s there must be out there regarding on screen violence of every conceivable kind. MW, MM, WW, name it, I’m sure it’s happened. It wpould be a very safe bet to say there have been countess examples

There’s more that goes on than that, like what happened before the penalty.

Fair enough..he may also have though that Staal had touched it already.

I really couldn’t give a shit if it was Sid or fucking Lanny was a goal scorers play, and an attempt to score, which it did. If you can’t see that, you don’t know what you’re watching.

He was trying to score from there by banking it in off of the goalie, yes or no?

He could have, but he clearly was not aware enough to know that it was a hand pass situation and/or he panicked because the Penguins had an extra man on the ice and he wanted to clear. I would say it’s obvious that he didn’t realize it was gloved ahead and that it would be blown dead if Sid touched it, otherwise he

2000 times means it not lucky, that’s my point. A lucky bounce is when you’re trying to NOT do something, like trying to pass it to someone...and instead it goes off some dude’s skate or face or off the ref’s ass, and goes in...that’s a lucky bounce.

Like I said, it’s a highly skilled play that is being blown off as a lucky’s like saying a one timer top shelf wasn’t really a great shot because the puck was kinda on edge and it was just lucky that it went top shelf short side...THAT’s what’s doing a disservice to the play.

“You said you didn’t give a fuck about hockey. Well I never saw someone say that before.”

Crosby will score 8-10 goals banking it in this year, just like he does every year in various settings.

Crosby was absolutely 100% trying to deflect that puck off of Hanks back.

But...but....he’s been blind since birth, he would have NO idea of what other people look like, let alone what they look like doing “regular people things”

Trump will be devastated if this wasn’t the BEST and most FANTASTIC mass shooting in the history of the US. He was there, the best, biggest and most prolific mass shooting was really fantastic, and the fake news wants to hide this from you. I mean c’mon people, it was really something, and not only that but