
The Flames offer is no better.

Oh really...Cancer research and hospital wings and are “good for business”...When Doc Seaman died he left 9 fucking figures of straight cash to the City of Calgary...for his own business interests? Dumbass. Just don’t bother, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Oh if the Flames owned the build outright...would there be a ticket surcharge on Flames tickets to help pay for the building? Yes. And who would put that surcharge into their bank account? The Flames would.

The studies you have been duped into believing are in reference to billion dollar football stadiums and massive baseball stadiums...not arena’s. I ask again to look at the men of the ownership group of The Calgary Flames and if you actually live there, Google those names and look at what those men have built and done

“debunked”? Oh, go fuck your hat. Bottom line is that the Calgary Hitmen are one of the most profitable and attended teams in the entire CHL. If the Oil Kings out sell them by 90 people a game so be it. No one fucking cares.


EDIT- “A large, multi-BILLION dollar business aka, THE CITY OF CALGARY, wants a major capital improvement. And it doesn’t like the idea that they should pay for ANY of it. It thinks the company that wants to do business there, should.

The Hitmen have had the highest average attendance in the WHL for 14 consecutive years now.

meh...still public benefit.

The city benefits in a shit ton of ways outside of the obvious.

Sorry...let me rephrase....The Calgary Hitmen have highest attendance in the WHL and third in the entire CHL. Happy now?

Calgary wouldn’t be without a team for long? Oh really? So why would a team come here? We need a new arena FFS!

Not according to my source...and does it really fucking matter? Is Calgary where it needs to be, or where it was? Is it rebounding? No, no and no.

***Calgary’s unemployemt rate is the worst in Canada.

Are you serious? So because the offices are still think that everything is jusssst fine? Go fuck yourself. Where would those three particular companies go in Camada, you idiot? And yes, those three companies WILL spend money on tickets and advertising, you know why? Because the city and the province IS

Oh really...none of them left huh? Ohhhh right! I see what you’re saying... the actual building didn’t leave, just between 30% and 50% of the people who work there got laid off and Alberta currently has the highest unemployment rate in the country...but yeah, I suppose the actual BUILDING is still there. Good eye.

Well then I guess this business just isn’t for you.

That’s an absurd argument, and you know it.

The argument back that the city could use the money for -insert long list of causes-and-make-sure-it-includes-puppies-and-kittens-and-children-and-homeless-people-and-handicapped-school-teachers-and-fireman-and-blah-blah-blah- is so tired. The arena IS city infastucture. The arena creates jobs. The arena and the

Are you just as shocked at how many billions the ownership group has spent in the city and the province over the past several decades?