
Holy fuck you’re stupid. Stay away from clearly don’t know fuck all about golf, let alone tournament golf, let alone the rules of golf, let alone what actually fucking happened on that hole. Go back to fucking..I dunno...MMA or soccer or some other shit you think you know anything about because right now

I played 3 years of Junior A, (WHL), and never saw Sudafed until my second year. Now, to be fair that was late 80' to think that kids in Midget or even Bantam aren’t hoovering it now, would be naive of me.’re going to pay a lot more attention to a meeting on a Monday or Tuesday, then you are on a Thursday or Friday. It may not have your full attention, but if you can’t inspire people to be attentive in a meeting on any day of the week, you’re probably fucked anyways.

Exactly, the clock they stopped looking at at 1:30 let alone 4:30.

+1 and then I give myself a Silkwood shower for doing it.

Yes...I’m sure that’s the bench mark.

Also..if you’re calling Poulter a cheat here, you’re also calling Jordan a cheat, because he agreed that Poulter’s ball most likely was in the hazard.

Oh my god.....thank you sooooooo much. I’m sure that would have cost me ENDLESS embarrassment and lord knows, how many hundreds of thousands of dollars moving forward. I really, really owe you one.

The official reviewed the video and concluded that the ball “most likley” was in the hazard...what the fuck else do you want?

Do you even fucking play golf? What the fuck is wrong with you? The official was trying to tell Poulter AND Jordan that the ball was lost and not in the hazard when everything else indicated to them it is in the hazard. The official reviewed the video on hand and AGREED that the video did indeed point to the ball

Sure...but people still win the lottery.

Because I don’t give a shit if it was Ian Poulter or Matt Kuchar or Ryan Moore...the reaction would have been the same from any of those guys. Just because most people think the guy’s an asshole doesn’t mean hie can’t stand there and defend his and his markers opinion. Every single player on Tour would have looked at

Now take the side if you were the payer or his marker. And yes..there was a “virtual certainty”...the marker and the player agreed and video review seemed to indicate it...the official saw the video, and agreed with Jordan and Ian. The fact that the ball was ultimately found outside the hazard means literally

I know at least a dozen people who have played with him and know him personally...and I call total bullshit.

You would look in a lateral hazard, (which this one was), that is not a pond, (which this one wasn’t), in the hopes that you could play it as it lies and not incur the one stroke penalty for a drop

That has nothing to do with anything. His playing partner and marker Jordan Spieth AND the official came to the conclusion that he ball was “most likely” in the hazard, and proceeded from there under THE FUCKING RULES. If the ball was found 2 minutes late or two days later is a moot point at that point. If his ball

Goes to see if “RachelsNipples” is still available as a Twitter handle...

Of course not every week on one particular lottery, but there are a lot of lotteries, and people win them all the time. The point is, is that someone is eventually going to win it...and if you don’t have a won’t be you.

Yeah...but someone did. It’s a funny thing...everyone says, “you odds of getting hit by lighting or a meteor are higher than winning the lottery blah blah blah yet, pretty much every week someone somewhere wins the lottery.
