
That’s my point...there is literally NO way to convey sincerity anymore. If he made a public and televised statement and broke down in tears...people would call bullshit. He could have said any combination of between 2 and 2000 words and people would call bullshit. You’re reading a static quote from a man I‘m going

I get where you’re going with this because, as a man who does visit this site daily my first instinct, (right or wrong) was that the gist of the article and the following comments would be, “Ohhhh...poor you, you feel soooo bad for being “falsely accused” of rape. Well what about all the women who ARE raped and then

I think that on the surface this could be as simple as, “it takes a century to build a reputation and only 5 minutes to ruin it.”

Why are these things always over read? He typed out as good as an apology that he possibly could. No matter what he said would have been taken in whatever context people like you choose...because no one accepts an apology anymore, all they do is break it down to make the person seem worse. It’s brutal. The man

And there’s nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. What he did may or may not have effected people in his circle differently. I see nothing wrong with him opening up to being called out even more...and also, a lot of people may want nothing to do with him ever again, and for him to call them randomly t explain more

I don’t read it like that at all. I read it as, “I understand how many of you may want to have nothing to do with me ever again...but if you want to talk to me...I will talk to you.” He sent it out to pretty much everyone, some peole just cut bait on people and the last thing he wants to do is call someone and have

***HOT TAKE***

Karla Homolka

Yeah, I was gonna say that the stipulations were, “to make sure no one videos tapes the rapey stuff...oh and...y’know...if you *airquotes* -could not rape- anyone...that’d be a like a double win.”

This article is bad...and you should feel bad.

It’s well documented and I just found 10 very credible sources with a very simple Google search. Ratio of height combined with his freaky wingspan along with hand size and foot size and double jointedness and freakish lung capcity, yada yada yada

Of course we cannot be sure...but much like Michael Phelps, he is physically a freak, almost genetically born to be a generational phenomenon. Everything about his physique, which cant’ be altered by drugs, he has.

“You’re doing it wrong.”

I stand corrected...

Not true/somewhat true....

+1 Just Do it.

Your post is actually called it “dri fit” which is a Nike trademarked technology, (point is you don’t even know what UA calls theors, and no one does unless they look), and a lot of other people talk about UA’s compression “technology, which was als done by Nike, (and Adi) long before UA. They are

I don’t get would assume gold. Like a golde.....ohhhhhhh

No it didn’t, it entered a glove of a defensive player.