
A hamburger is a sandwich and tater tots are not fries.

Take all the marbles in the whole world and get RID of them...and that’s how many this man left.

Here’s the thing though... the amount of natural skill and instinct is what is being discounted when you add luck into the conversation. Example, my 16 year old son who is a scratch can stand in the middle of the fairway, take a laser to measure to the flag, and then he works it out, it basically sounds like this...

It wasn’t a post to say, Hey look... experts always hit what they’re aiming at, it was meant to say that he guess what, He was aiming at a guy a holy fucking long ways a away and in 3 tries he hit him.

Lee Trevino, (pro golfer), made a hole in one and made a shit ton of money during the SKINS game in 1987. People said to him over and over, “Man, you were so lucky.”

Yup. If this was a story about an American sniper, this entire comment section would look a whole lot different.

“It’s impressive...but” *rollseyes*

Fair. forgot about the hair.

I can’t quite tell from the words used in your “post”, but I’m gonna go out on a limb that you’re an Aussie. Is that you Mrs. Horn? Look, your son is fine young man and a decent boxer, but he a lot.

Gimme a fucking break. Landed jabs are a critical part of scoring and landing 1.5 per round is straight bullshit. Are fucking seriously defending this decision on any level?

Listen...I’m as white as white can be. I grew up in a white city and never had a reason to be even remotely racist, because race never affected me. I confess to being sheltered, BUT...this incident is the polar opposite of “fodder for the hate machine”. This is clear to everyone a mental health issue and hey, if

I’m almost 50 and way back when I was about 12, I got in a scuffle during a hockey game right in front of the other teams bench. He called me a fa**ot, which was certainly the go-to back then, and I fire back out of no where, “Shut your fucking mouth you little bitch.”

How did race become a part of this story?

I really don’t think that he is going to get “knocked the fuck out”, but 800 little jabs that individually won’t feel like much to a guy who usually takes kicks and elbows to the head, will probably leave Conor deaf and blind for about 4 days after he loses a unanimous decision.

No...I read a lot of different sources about Deadspin for example. Where do you get your news? Why are you here commenting on Deadspin? The fuck is wrong with you? You read Deadspin and you’re that fucking clueless about the Rousey Mayweather talk?

Right...not distracted enough that you have an opinion on Rousey v Mayweather...but too distracted that it was pretty much the talk of MMA for months. Gotcha.

How in the holy fuck would you have missed that?

Look...all did was answer the question.

The problem is that people jump to conclusions and just try to rope a story into anything.