
Being stupid isn’t an excuse for anything, ever. They don’t have several warnings because, “they know people are stupid”, they have several warnings to cover themselves legally. Kinda like why a flight attendant tells you how to do up a seatbelt when everyone knows how, it’s to cover their ass if someone gets hurt

Respectfully I understand what you’re saying, but religion is almost always involved when you dive into those petty, bad and evil people.

Well...I’m...pretty sure none of them are professionals.

The point is that people aren’t dragged to a bullfight against their will. It’s generations of a culture that have made matadors hero’s just like you or I might watch a baseball player or a football player. You revel in the huge hits that result in concussions and brain damage to you NFL heros and they revel in what

Really, so you’re a vegan? Non-hunter? You don’t celebrate Christmas? None of your traditions are considered gluttonous or excessive in the rest of the world?

And you defend your traditions, how? didn’t....just....


Great answer...didn’t address my points about short 3 minute rounds, Conner being very unorthodox, not having his opponent being able to take him to the ground and waste time and energy grappling. Not taking blows to his legs, or from anything other than hands.

Oh you ever actually reply with an opinion on the topic?

Mayweather is 40 years old hasn’t foight since 2015 and has never fought a “boxer” as unorthodox or potentially powerful or as conditioned as McGregor. An MMA round is 5 minutes long with ground and pound and grappling and blows to the entire body. I don’t care who the fuck you are, you’re never going to convince me


An opinion that a fighter shouldn’t puch an entirely defenseless opponent can’t possibly be “wrong”. You either agree with that opinion, or you don’t.

I have no problem with the fucking rule. “Protect yourself at all times” yeah...I fucking got it. How many times do I have to say that? The question isn’t about the rule, it’s about the ethics. golf, there isn’t a rule that says you can’t yell at the top of your opponents swing. You can do that all day,

If a fighters were honorable enough to not punch a fighter who has chosen to not CLEARLY not defend himself, and nit by dropping his hands and sshowboating in the middle of the ring, but by dropping his hands and walking to his corner, fighters might also be honorable enough that they wouldn’t use it as a tactic.

Why would that be the coach’s job? Isn’t that what the training staff is for? Should the training staff be required to know the entire playbook?

I would guess that if it get’s through jury sequestration, it would be a mistrial...?

Well I would say that that s a case by case basis with adults. An adult that is a repeat offender following stints of attempted rehab and/or prison time and continues to commit escalating crimes, may just be a psychopathic asshole.
