
What a fucking pussy

What in the actual fuck are you talkng about?

That’s not an answer to the question I asked.

I am willing to punch a man in the face, or WATCH a man punch another man in the face, when they are fully engaged and also trying to punch me, or their opponent in the face. How fucking hard is that for you to comprehend? Seriously...HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT TO COMPREHEND?

Ok...if you’re saying that punching a man in the head while his hands are by his side and he is walking away from you isn’t a sucker punch, then there’s no use debating this.

I know this is always a somewhat unpopular take here, but I genuinely do feel empathy for the kid and the “wife”. Yes, she did marry the fucker, and she signed up for that...but I think this whole “running for POTUS” thingy and everything that has followed is NOT what she signed up for. I think it has exposed a side

There was a quick quote at the end of the game on the HNIC broadcast, can’t recall who said it, but it was great. Something to the effect;

Look’s a very simple question, “Should a fighter sucker punch another fighter, for any reason, under any circumstance?”

Mike Milbury hearing someone telling him he fucking sucks is like someone telling Jennifer Aniston that she has a great haircut. It’d be just like, “Yeah yeah..I know...I fucking know. Blah blah blah.”

How did I change the subject? This whole conversation started with the question, that just because he is allowed to hit him, should he have? His stance was simply, yes of course because the rules says he can so he is basically obligated to.

Is he wrong?

That didn’t answer my question.

If a tree falls in the forest....’re saying that MORALLY, your expectations are higher from a street fighter than a Professional fighter. Gotcha, and finally answered my question.

Oh, I’M on the soapbox? You’re the guy who’s talking like he’s like he’s got some kind of valid credentials and can speak for all disciplines of the sport and all of it’s fighters. Show ‘em if you got ‘em, because right now you’re no different than a guy who says if someone’s got a knife a cop has the right to shoot

The point is/was, is that this IS rare and this is NOT the norm and that most fighters DO have the discipline and the “honor” (for lack of a better word), to not want or need to win a fight while sucker punching a guy as he walked away from him for any reason. If this was the norm, it wouldn’t have been a story here

Oh fuck off...we’ve both seen hundreds of fights and we’ve both seen PLENTY of fighters in a very vulnerable position for a lot of different reasons and of all those situations, this one is extreme and rare, so don’t fucking sit there and tell me this is what happens all the time-everytime you self serving fuck.

I like this..then it’s those same baseball purists who applauded the viral video of that kid who basically cut across the entire infield from second to score because it was only a two man umpire crew saying that’s just “heads up baseball”.


Simple question and I ask sincerely, because I don’t the philosophy of Martial Arts based on attacking your opponent at his most vulnerable? Like when they are clearly out of sorts? Injured? Unconscious, like we see so many times in the octagon as one fighter pummels the other who is very clearly and