
From your lips, (fingers?), to god’s ears (eyes?)....

Oh...well...that’s pretty kickass, actually. I underestimated you. Apologies.

Well balanced reply. So just how many Affliction shirt DO you own? Hey, fuckface...I didn’t say it was a genius thing to do, but maybe...just maybe, the other fighter may have pushed him? Shoved him into the corner and forced him to at least turn around before fucking him up? A sucker punch is a sucker punch period

He had every “legal right” to hit him...the bigger question is, “should” he have hit him? And yeah yeah yeah, the UFC MMA crowd will screech, “He could have turned around and KILLED him!” and “YOU FIGHT UNTIL THE REF PULLS YOU OFF OR YOU’RE DEAD...*chugs 500mls of Monster...*burps”

Dude...I live in Canada. What in the holy fuck are you taking about? NO ONE in Canada that knows ANYTHING about hockey thinks that “we deserve more team”....seriously...what in fuck are you talking about? WHERE, would another team go outside of Quebec City? Oh and , in case I forgot ask...what in the fuck are you

Really. So tell me, Mr. Canadian...when was the last time you complained that Canada didn’t have enough teams and where would you suggest another team be located?

Wow...that’s some strong hockey knowledge you got there. How many hockey teams do you want Atlanta to lose? For gods sake they just lost an NHL team in 2011.

I know....that was my *maybe* and it’s only because of the building they have, and that was my point...there isn’t another city in all of Canada that any “Canadian hockey fan” thinks there should be a team and there isn’ the OP said.

Canadian hockey fans whine about not having enough teams?

This “tip” has somewhat helped me. I’ve traveled a ton and I’m still an awful packer and it has stressed me out over time. I have alleviated the stress with a just-about-to-walk-out-the-door-to-leave-for-the-airport-attitude that, “I have my passport and my wallet and as long as I have my wallet I can buy whatever I

I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that.

I hate that my very first thought was, “Wow...the Vols track program can afford some good juice and masking agents.”

You’re a goddamned beauty.

Two rules, 1. Never go in for an unsolicited hug. 2. Never assume the person knows you. She should have said, “Oh my gosh, Jerry Seinfeld! My name is Ke$sha and I’m a huge fan!” and then extend your hand ideally he replies, “I know who exactly who you are!” and if he wants to hug you he will. Jerry is a noted


As much as I appreciate this story, I can’t help but be dismayed that as we sit here in June of 2017, that it’s a story at all.

All the more reason to....

I think that retiring #99 and #42 from their respective sports was a very good call...but otherwise, I agree.

Nike’s Mission Statement is;

It will go down as a foul ball, but that was almost a sack fly.