
That. Would. Be. AWESOME!

If these guys really wanted to fight they’d fight. They don’t want to fight, they want to act tough and “red ass”, and enforce “the code”, as the tough baseball players like to do.

Sadly...this is the one way to do it that I have seen work. Have people walk buy and ask, “what’s that smell?” and reply with, “I know, I can’t figure it it me?” “’s not you...weird...”, even ask the person who smells, pretend you don’t know it’s’s an awful situation to be in, and you have

Well said. None of these guys even know how to fight. Look at the punches. Weak fists, basically closed fisted slaps...clueless. Go in and act mean and then wait/BEG for your teammates to grab you around the torso and drag you kicking and screaming, so you can stare and point for the remainder. The image to this

I agree..Trump should start getting his suits made by the same guy who makes Peter’s

One of these days I’d like the pitcher to walk 30'3" and drop the ball and his glove and remove his hat, allow the batter to drop the bat and remove his helmet and then walk 30'3" and engage in a fight that doesn’t clear the benches and the bullpen.

Ahh..I see we’re going to dip into some puns today.

Yeah...MLB NEVER does shit like that.

That’s a hot garbage take. Never stands up for himself? Compared to what other superstar?

Y’know if you think about it, he well may and be clueless to it because every woman, (person?), who’s ever seen his junk wouldn’t think to say he had a small unit because they’re either sleeping with him for the money or working for him...for the money...and/or his daughter.

You want to know why Sid get calls? It’s because he puts up with shit like this all game, every game. And guess who tells the Ref’s between periods about that shit? The Linesmen do. Most of the time if a player even has the balls to ask a ref what they did to deserve a penalty against Sid the ref gives them a look

My buddy and I won a “Big Mac Party for 25", in a raffle once while attending a Junior Hockey game. It was basically 25 Big Mac Meal vouchers, (as we all know, a Big Mac Medium Fries and a medium Coke)

Hamilton, yes, stop...biut Quebec? The shit show that would be in Quebec would be similar to Winnipeg.

After not selling out a World Junior Championship game that Canada was playing in last year, officially...No.

No..YOU shut up....that’s a joke. be fair, banning white trash from shopping in a Walmart is the white trash equivalent of being thrown overboard into the middle of the ocean on a bag of coconuts without food or water.

Man, I sound EXACTLY like Vin Scully whenever I read his quotes in my head.

I would agree. I caught several 9 pitch innings and many of them no contact at all..but I’ve alway though that the “Real Immaculate Inning”, would be 3 pitches.

Thank you for this comment...saved me from clicking.

Look man, he plays in Bigs...he may be an asshole, but he’s not even in the top 200 types of MLB asshole.