
As many have said, she has an office in the West Wing, so to give her the slack of, “she has no opinion and can’t do anything”, and yada yada, is a non-starter. When you have a bedroom in the White House, you’re The POTUS’s daughter. When you have an OFFICE, in the White work for the POTUS.

I very sincerely cannot think of any type of Twitter related idiocy during the Obama administration, and if I’m wrong, please remind me and/or give examples. Maybe because it was run by actual adults who had actual common sense when dealing with a fun little app on their phones.

Ok...but what’s with the fucking little ball park franks? I can only assume they are for the kids...?

Why? you gonna shoot me?

This is the problem with gun owners. Yes ALL gun owners. Every single fucking one of you....

Or what’s in it...

  • Which sandwich can you make better than anyone else? I also believe that my Thanksgiving leftover sandwich is best.

Gosh, if only it said in the sentences in...

Never understood headlines like, “Man Dies after Suicide Attempt”, or “Inmate Dies after Botched Executiuon”....I mean like, shouldn’t it just be, “Man Commits Suicide” and “Inmate is Executed”?

Nah...he’s just a mook playing a role. He hasn’t “enabled” anyone, in fact if anyone’s been enabled it’s him. He’s just some dude doing the job for which he got hired.


I can’t wait to see the final one after he gets gassed...*scene- Melissa/Spicy in a jacuzzi getting blown by a $5000 an hour hooker and doing lines off of anothers ass while signing a book deal worth $7million and eating a Big Mac served on a monogramed plate stolen from the White House. The euphoria of on her/his

C’ players are the biggest collection of douchebag Bro’s in all of sports. The face paint, the chew, the rope necklaces the stupid fucking pants, the fucking cocked hats and fake bullshit tough guy “fights”...fucking idiots

Don’t worry...The Red Sox will handle this shit...

“It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. ..”

Nope. Clearly he feels his time is being taken advantage of. “script changes” and “edits” are not the qual to wasting time with hallway talk and bothering him in the makeup chair. If it was as easy as closing the door, I doubt this letter would have had to been sent in the first place. Clearly, that hasn’t worked.

I agree. I know people that literally spend their entire days, stopping and chatting, walking into open offices for a “quick visit” that turns into 20 minutes. 20 minutes in the hallway here and there, 4 office visits, 2 coffee breaks, then lunch and repeat...and when the hell are people actually working? Steve

Meh....I don’t think you can assume the “tone”, as he probably sends out notes all the time, has meetings with all of these people and knows all of these people personally. Only they can assume the tone, and frankly I bet most all of them are fine with it.

what. the. fuck. is. sauce, and who in the fuck uses it as a generic term?

What the fuck is “sauce”?