
Anyone who calls it “ice hockey” doesn’t know.....

I don’t have any better Solutions, so we may as well just gas this whole thread,

You can’t just camp out here and break our concentration...

That is one heil of a coincidence.


Trudeau isn’t a Canadian...he’s Quebecious. don’t need to be impressed by a 65 year old man playing hockey in full gear. Does Justin Trudeau even own skates?

Laughing now thinking of watching Don sitting on a bench in the locker room having Kellyanne in a semi-squat in front of him, Burberry purse continually sliding off her shoulder, and her phone squished between her shoulder and ear...his skate between her knees while she ties the laces for him like some Mississauga

Translation was actually;

Nonchalant about knowingly breaking the law, getting caught and now having to leave your celebrity life, endure all the humiliation and you’d be all like, “ is what it is...better luck next time that I don’t get caught.”


If there was a bitch...and you slapped them...what you call that?


Nurse in pinning his stick down and nothing else. Look dude...I don’t give a fuck about the Oilers, but get your head out of your ass. His hand falls between Talbots pad and his leg and that’s fine...but he makes zero attempt to remove it, get up or get out of the area. You can say, “well, why would he?” HE WOULD

“Kesler obviously makes contact with Talbot, but it’s difficult to tell if he actually lingered to grab his leg pad. It’s also difficult to have sympathy for a team arguing a no-call after coughing up a 3-0 lead in three minutes”.

Although that’s should be noted that many hockey players play LAX in the in may cases it’s just the same bros.

Seems you’re familiar with the hazing ritual...

Yes...but it’s just Canada’s only answer to US football/basketball/ band.

Didn’t read where it was a “she” that was raped...

Clearly you’re not familiar with the outrageous self confidence of a 15 year old Canadian hockey player. You, who I assume is a grown man could walk up to one of those kids and make fun of his name to his face backed up by a dozen of your tough adult friends...and he would laugh in your face and tell you to remind