
Slow day? Nothing better to do than a little fishin’?

I have never heard of that but I like it, and it makes sense...BUT, in this case it creates a perfect, “can’t lose”, doesn’t it?.

But he laid out all of the reasons why he was going to lose. He already told Americans that he had no chance. “The system is rigged people”, not to mention illegal voters and corruption. If he would have lost he would have had yet another, “I told you so” moment and he would have said “Everyone knows that if it

I totally agree with Stern. He could be sitting in Mar a Lago playing golf every single day and tweeting 50 times a day about how shitty Hillary is doing, and how he would have been better. Making every American feeling like they made a huge mistake not voting for him and having the ultimate, “Hate to say I told you

You could put in all the work in the world and have a Masters degree from Harvard and you still might not be able to get a job anywhere in any field, because the boss’s cousin or his college buddy or his mistress has the that train of thought is so fucking tired and lame. It happens in every job, industry

This is literally the newest building in the NHL. Fucking Edmonton. That city could fuck up a two car parade.

Whatever...that same scenario plays out in the real world every in every single business, job and industry in the world as well, so boo-the-hell-hoo.

Sale is the epitome of bro baseball douche, and The Red Sox are the epitome of bro baseball douche team....fuck them.

Shoe polish and Old Spice

I live in Canada, you inbred. I’ve played in a Memorial Cup.*

Enjoy reliving your glory days as the stats guy for a JV team in the shit bucket of Minnesota.

Nope. Before contact he took his stick in two hands and finished. The waiting arms? GMAFB. More like the waiting, “here’s a fucking crosscheck to your head”

Ahhhh...I see know nothing about hockey. Thanks for commenting.

How’re you feeling about your post, there skindoe?

I do an actual breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. Weekdays it’s just a protein shake.

Do you have to throw a dart to play high stakes darts? Do yo have to throw it better than the other person?

How often do YOU watch hockey?

If you need goddamned ice to make your burgers moist you probably need help making toast and you struggle with making a bowl of cereal.

Geezusfuckingchrist.....I can’t agree more. Ice cubes? Like..fucking ICE CUBES? Meat, salt, grill, serve...holy crap...ICE CUBES? ThisisfuckingbullshitandIon’tstandforit