
Hmm, I’m game and Imma find out tonight. Thanks, and I’ll let you know!

Hell...Milbury would have traded him for a fourth helping of free popcorn and Glen Campbell.

Anything that takes physical skill, and that physical skill is what determines the winner, is a sport. Race car driving takes physical skill. It’s a sport. Bowling is a sport. Golf is a sport. Darts is a sport. You can play high stakes poker with no arms and no legs, it’s a game. Wouldn’t know about e-sports


Yeah...2 feet off the plate from 200 feet away at 90+ MPH, after picking up the ball at a full’re right, his accuracy if for shit.

The bad thing about lysol and fabrese is that they stink worse than fish and seared beef. offence, but fuck if my kitchen smells like lysol and fabrese...uhg. players are the biggest fucking douche-bro-fuckwads in all of sports. How about just drop the ball, and the batter will drop the bat, and they can meet 30'3" and square off like two men who have something to settle..without all the other douche-bro-fuckwad’s running in from the benches and outfield

I think that the true beauty of this list is that as far as I can tell, no one really disagrees, (that I saw anyways), that Calvin and Hobbes is the clear #1.

Yeah...and Harry was a helluva success. Imagine the bullying he must have put up with his whole life, so be a very successful man is impressive.

The very first job I ever had, my boss’ was name Richard Dick.

Ovens have venting, though. If you can’t use cast iron on a grill or have a grill, then sear on the stove top and finish in the oven. The quicker you can get the sear and get it in the oven the less smell you will have.

Biggest thing I could tell you is to reduce the stove top time.

It would be very rare for a potato to “explode” and, if you don’t puncture the skin you will get really nice crispy crunchy potato skins that are perfect for making twice baled or potato skins...

Very simple...I want to bake bread. Simple loaves of bread.

  • What meal do you make for yourself when everything is going wrong and you need some edible comfort?- Chicken schnitzel with Frozen french fries with miso gravy

I think you should read #5 again.

What about the under the fingernail infection from opening sunflower seeds?

You can’t freeze ice. Ice is already frozen. You freeze water.

Refresher...via Wiki