
Good to hear from someone who hasn’t read about his cell at all, as in it’s been reported that he had barricaded the door from the inside.

Should be pretty simple then. There would be major signs of a fight and struggle. AH doesn’t strike me a s a person to just let one or more people walk into his cell at 3 am let them hang him, without a whole lot of shit going down.

Gotta keep getting AH’s money somehow....

First of all...millions of people lose their fathers, and it effects them deeply. gotta stop. “He was basically treated like a tool throughout his life”? Uh, you mean like all of us schmo’s who work for a living and when we no longer suit the need of the company we get fired? He was CODDLED his whole life, not used and abused. You know the life of a star High School football player.

He doesn’t need to be alone with his thoughts. He has friends. He has family. He knows his team mates will be there. He knows he’s not going to lose his job. I believe that more people than not, do not recognise the depth of their grief and do not mourn properly...and that becomes a regret in the long run.

You know what though? People are allowed to say what makes them feel uncomfortable. You, (not you specifically), don’t get to tell someone else what makes them upset or uncomfortable. He IS human and humans in many cases DO need to be protected and cared for. That’s what friends are for, that’s what family is for,

Counter-counterpoint: Jim Hughson is the okay-ist play-by-play guy in hockey...unless he’s calling a Canucks game, then he’s the most useless piece of shit homer in all of the history of homerism.

That pass tho....

Do you get paid by the word? Because who the fuck cares about anything other than the man broke his fucking stick across a guys neck.

Zactly....I’ll go out on a limb and say this practice is more the norm than it isn’t.

I am willing to venture that this whole practice is beyond rampant and that Eli is simply the first to get “caught”.

Oh please....

Damn sure bet if they had asked him who his pick was for The Masters last week, he’d have had an answer.

“Bad man.” pfffft...he basically just said that if a flight attendant told him to bend over so they can shove a can of Tomato juice his ass, he’d drop his pants before they could even ask him if he wanted ice with it..

I like that...I like thinking about little Flesh Croissant sitting on a plane and a flight attendant walking up to them and saying,

Now playing

Yeah...all the drama aside, this is hardly a big deal. AND...and...this is hardly news anyways. All you have to do is watch a video of when the “Not Guilty” verdict was announced and look at Kardashians face...Priceless.

He was not trying to flee, he was standing there in the middle of the street because he was stopped for jaywalking. Safe to assume he said something like, “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re stopping me for jaywalking in the middle of my neighborhood?” The cop approached him, the man did not resist, the cop grabbed

Being “bodily seized” for trying to “escape detention” for the crime of jaywalking, is the equivalent of getting the absolute shit beaten out of you and then being dragged like roadkill down the isle of an airplane for not giving up a seat you paid for. Gimme a break.

Fucks wrong with you child..?