
Agree. There are times when it’s just a hard no. Especially with business travel. I’ve only every volunteered to give up my seat once and it was because it was a Friday, I was single and I really didn’t have anything planned for Saturday anyways, so what the hell, right? Worst goddamn decision I ever made in my

I would say absolute bullshit to that. The vast majority of travel is for business, which is always arranged around schedules. Who doesn’t travel on a schedule? You book hotels ahead of time, you have meetings, dates, presentations. It’s most often not just about you. You have people flying in from all across the

I don’t know you, so I hope this isn’t annoying, but this post struck a chord...I was a Golf Professional at a fancy Country Club many many years ago and this young kid who worked as a club cleaner worked up the nerve to ask me if I would play a round of golf with him first off the tee on a Tuesday morning. Of course

Well by your logic, why is there a rosin bag on the mound? Rosin is specifically written into the rule. How is this any different than when a pitcher grabs the rosin bag and then grabs the ball? The pitcher can’t grab the rosin bag and rub it on the ball, but he can rub it anywhere else.

He’s not putting pinetar on the ball, he’s putting it on his chest protector and then on his fingers..such as...

But he’s not intentionally damaging the ball...the pinetar goes on his chest protector...then rubbing his fingers on his chest protector, not rubbing the ball on his chest protector.

I may be wrong, but I think pine tar is only illegal on a pitcher...I think position players are free to use it at will. No? I’m asking...

Is there any rule that says you can’t put pine tar on your chest protecter, or that position players can’t use pine tar...I could be wrong, but I think....THINK, it’s only illegal on a pitcher.

I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about Bill...notafuckingclue

My Weirdest Secret Food Habit is Chinese food buffets and the nastier the better. I could go on with a long story about how when I was a kid and the only time I ever got to hang out with my alcoholic Grandfather, (who I just blindly adored), was when he took me to a Chinese food buffet...but I won’t....I need grease

What you call a “Pathetic Assist”, I call a fucking EPIC Give-and-Go

What the hell did Alan Thicke ever do? Robin Thicke yes..but Alan?

Hell yeah it’s stocking...stocking information into your brain of awesome tunes to add to your mixed tape.

You sonofabitch....

They need to look at the Canadian model. It needs to be promoted by Hockey USA more, it needs to find more games for them to play and it needs to put them on TV whenever possible. Didn’t I hear that the US woman’s team has only played 9 games? That’s absurd.’s kind of like that old question...”If you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would you?”

I’m not saying he doesn’t embellish at times...however, he had 4 front teeth broken on that play.

It’s just Five for’s not easy to be...Iggy

I’m about 68.7% OCD, and this has made me have a long hot shower and shave every pubic hair off of my body, buy new sheets, towels pillows, glassware toothbrush and pepper mill.

That of course is true..however Bobby Jones was a lawyer and a golfer and just, y’know got ALS. So, people just “getting ALS” is a proven fact that can be said with certainty.