
Actually what I said was, “Oh if I’m pissed I won’t text, I’ll call and you’d BETTER ANSWER!” then I stared at her with dead empty eyes for a solid 38 seconds.

This was news to me. When I text my daughter I always use proper grammar and punctuation. She told me a little while ago that doing such a thing usually conveys that I am mad. Like using a period at the end of a sentence means I’m pissed or upset...? Who knew?

No disrespect to “Tom Brady’s wife”...but there are probably a couple hundred people in line ahead of her to get the Box seat on the 50

More like cutting his XXL

Things ARE bad now...and it’s hasn’t even been a month.

Oh yeah sure...let’s see him do it with a snap and a rush and during a game...pfffft No look, I’m not taking anything away from it, but really who cares unless he can do it in a game?

In stroke play. Tiger winning three straight US Amateurs, (match play), is an absurd and outrageous feat to people, (like me who know golf). There are so many variable to a round of golf, whereas tennis is the same court at the same time with the same ball, and you can physically expolit a known weakness of an

Average slice of bread and average cheese slice, means 1.5 slices per sandwich. First because you always make two, and second, always make two. The extra half slice ensures full coverage of the bread, and just enough extra to be able to call this a grilled “cheese” sandwich and not a grilled bread

The contacts are insured. The “team” doesn’t pay the remaining, the insurance company does.

Historically, the term comes from the vehicle that shooting parties would use on hunts. The vehicle had to be practical to hold the rifles, marksmen and shooting game while out and about. It’s called a ‘brake’ because this described the carriage used to train and break in young horses...

Spelling error... *nail gun.

C’mon...that was one Heil of a sucker punch.

I don’t think you’re Koalafied to determine that.

Are you serious? The Polar opposite.

I’d have rather not laughed at that...

He didn’t call Obama a “a fucking baboon”, he said that what Obama did led to the country electing “a fucking baboon” as in Trump.

Wouldn’t it be profoundly epic if Hollywood and various other groups could flex their collective muscle through a Twitter # or some such that there turns out to be only about 4200 people standing there that night? #watchitonTV #BoycottInaug #Washingmyhairthatnight #orderedchinese

And also...does he think that famous people don’t pack their dresses and that they fly to Washington, with the attitude like, “ biggie...I’ll just buy one when get there.”

Go with the Flo...
