
I’z like...meh, someone’s gonna get nostrilled and then the slo-mo and music kicks in and then I’z like...”ohhhhh..hang on now...”

I...I got that one...

To be fair...he never made his kid move to Edmonton.

Only a few things make a hockey player cry....this is one of them.

It’s Horri-Awful.

I used to work for Nike and I would have other sales people stop by my office and drop of “contra samples” all the time. Once there was a 4 pack of Rockstar Energy drink left on my desk for me. Anyways, I put them in my truck and one day coming back from the gym I was feeling way low. I remembered the Rockstar in

I think that there’s basis for that assumption. Yes, some football players, “would still commit suicide”, however I think there is a large enough body of evidence of rich, successful seemingly famous professional athletes who should be among the happiest people on earth...killing themselves. The flag is up.


1. Mercedes G65

Hells’s wrong with you son?

No, they‘re not talking about the gold and white dress, they’re talking abut the blue and black one.

Marco Rubio said yesterday, “These leaks are an effort by a foreign government to interfere with our electoral process, and I will not indulge it. Further, I want to warn my fellow Republicans who may want to capitalize politically on these leaks; Today it’s the Democrats. Tomorrow it could be us.”


If the tongue does the job it probably wouldn’t even notice a finger...

I’d like to add that he looks like he stinks....he LOOKS like he smells of Tic-Tacs, Old Spice and B.O and hair that hasn’t been washed in 11 days.