You misspelled “G-g-g-g-ghost pirates!!!”
You misspelled “G-g-g-g-ghost pirates!!!”
Twitter users floated actors like Spawn’s Michael Jai White, Luke Cage’s Mike Colter, and Black Panther’s Winston Duke as more suitable actors to play John Henry.
Suuuuuuurrrrre it is.
You mean Splinter is this way:
You’re in the wrong blog.
Krispy Kreme sucks. Discuss:
1st Gear: Because of NOx regulations. Plain and simple. Were are coming up to a limit of how efficient we can make ICE without increasing the NOx output rate per unit of fuel. Increasing the exhaust gas temperature would allow for more fuel burn and allow for more energy to be pulled out of the fuel. Therefore - same…
Fuel economy isn’t a REAL concern since fuel is cheap and large vehicles are preferred. If California really wanted to make a stand, they would tax fuel to the point of forcing consumers to buy fuel efficient vehicles. The kind with small engines and manual transmissions. Like Europe. Or otherwise hugely incentivize…
I don’t think the targets themselves are the problem so much as Americans’ tastes in automobiles. Trucks and SUVs rule in sales. If small cars were hot sellers, those fuel economy standards would be a lot easier to reach. It’s a lot like nutrition groups telling fast food restaurants that they need to create healthier…
And he was the first pilot to shoot down an ME262 while it was in the air, using a P-51 Mustang. All other pilots tried to take them out before they got airborne, but Chuck was the first to do it in a dog fight.
Nah, Clarkson is in the wrong here.
Chuck Norris wishes he was Chuck Yeager.
The most impressive thing about Chuck is that he managed to break the sound barrier while the X-1 was dragging the weight of his enormous balls.
“near-peer power” I almost spit coffee on a new monitor over here.
Were it up to me, I’d ban him. From every form of racing, forever.
And this, kids, is why proper grammar is important.
Ryan needs to use a comma.
The transphobic joke was useless and uncalled for if intended.
One ..could.. say that perhaps the writer was loosely referring to the fact that it’s not all men working on this project; but obviously followed up with a trash meme and is too naive to understand that it is pretty…