The Real Five 0

*attacks cops, reporters, each other, trash cans*

Just to save me sometime, but answering you: it isn’t. Remember, this is an anti-trump game news website. If this came from the Obama adm, this would be praised like the next coming of the Messiah.

I hardly need to be american, or pro-trump, and I’m neither, to realize the “Space Force” program is nothing but good news. The purpose, for now at least, is what isn’t. Space Warfare is still at least a couple hundred of years (being very generous) away, but the creation of said “Space Force” means only thing:

I don’t think he is scoffing at the ATTEMPT per se, I think he (and most others) feel it is too little, too late.

I’ve had this topic come up in my mind from time to time across various titles, and while it’s ultimately not going to make me stop (or start, for that matter) playing anything, I would, at the very least, like to have sources cited where appropriate.

I might be interpreting this incorrectly, but it seems like the weighted average suffers from selection bias, as it’s weighted by import shares for a market where tariffs are in effect. If I put a 1000% tariff on crossovers, no one will buy them and the tariff paid will be tiny, but that doesn’t mean the impact is

Taxation ceases to be evil when it is to the benefit of the majority.

I guess all the experts have missed the main point our reader spelled out. Specifically he is looking for a convertible/roadster. And I quote, “I lobbied for the F-Type with the angle that a convertible is two cars for the price of one. The same logic worked this time around, so stick with what wins. Convertible isn’t

Idiots like you are just as bad as the republicans you try to shit on. Neither major party is interested in what is good for the public. In fact the two major parties are just different sides of the same coin. Do the world a favor and get the fuck out of your echo chamber. 

Front loading washer.

The hell kind of hunt are they going on with no blaze orange, no game bags/vests, and some frankly scary muzzle discipline?

No, they do not. And we must stop “internalizing” this kind of hate. I have consciously practiced not saying anything negative about my people for 4 years. I am finally free.

Yeah I really think Brave New World should be as high on a “must read” list as 1981.

Yeah. Nothing against MGS but I find the people that hold Kojima (and MGS2 specifically) up as some sort of prophetic text usually have a very shallow understanding of pop culture and almost no exposure to literature or mediums outside videogames as a whole. 

You’re right — none of that shit matters! What matters is that Democrats did not win the election. Who is ultimately responsible for that? *Anyone who wanted Democrats to win the election*. Is that you? Great! Is that me? Yes! Cool, we all fucking lost. Together. It is comically unproductive for Clinton supporters to

So you not only don’t pay attention to electoral history, you don’t even pay attention to how presidential elections are decided.

We already have that. The problem isn’t the system, the problem is people. Plenty of people abuse the system by claiming they require one of the animals. And because it’s very difficult to prove someone’s emotional state, they get it certified.

Except in SF you can have a street parking permit for $100/year. Most people are simply too lazy to deal with finding a spot.