California has approved the biggest innovation in license plate technology since science figured out how to trap…
Actually, just like “coupe” and “sedan” there have always been 2dr and 4dr shooting breaks. Historically a shooting break was typically a luxury car that was turned into a long roof station wagon/estate car so you could carry your guns and dogs and go shooting, and they usually had 4drs. See endless examples of 20's…
Lighting Design Professional here. There is absolutely no reason to suggest anyone go back to using incandescent lighting.
If the tablet on the Model 3 breaks can you still operate the car?
I got to ride in a Model X for a long trip and it was stunning how loud the interior is at highways speed. It might have been the lack of engine noise, but it could also just be they suck at NVH more than other companies. Think of how long it has taken car makers to get NVH right. It is not a trivial problem.
Red Alert 2 ... a masterpiece of a game
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 I believe.
Uhboy -you didn’t just type that. Tell me you tripped into your keyboard and those naive wordfartings were a mistake. If not:
Ford doesn’t get near the clicks, and advertising revenue, that Tesla does.
A dude was killed at a Ford plant last year. It may have been covered here but I don’t recall it.
Flashy commercials, trendy hashtags and big events in the world of fashion and the arts are just a few of the ways…
Trump’s “winging it” seems to be working a hell of lot better than all the “brilliance” Obama supposedly brought to the table. See, e.g.:
Even if it was under seal, neither Ryan, nor Jalopnik, nor any other reporter is party to the case. As Judge Hannah cited in States Ex Rel Thomas v. Grant, “protective orders generally do not bind a non-party.”
New York politicians trying to pull some bullshit? I would have never guessed...
I guess I needed to put the *sarcasm* tag....
“White and other Senecas have been doing battle with New York state for years over cigarette taxes, which the state has said the Senecas have illegally avoided paying, while tribe members say that, as a sovereign nation, they have no obligation to pay.”
I feel that in this particular instance the state of New York should go fuck itself.