The Real Five 0

This really isn’t a big deal. The “illegal” fortification of islands in the south pacific and ignoring rulings of international agencies is a big deal.

They are as close to a peer as we are going to get these days but that don’t make them “near”.

People on here keep suggesting it and it keeps not happening.

Tailored dress shirts are 30% - 50% cheaper than in the US.

Economic sanctions were imposed on Russia following their actions in Ukraine and Syria.

I don’t think that is correct. There are plenty of people who think any meat consumption is to be revile. Unless you are a vegan, claiming that meat consumption is the equivalent of rhino horn “medicine” is a bit hypocritical. Meat is not less ethical just because you find the animal cute.

Pete Davidson is literally the least funny person on SNL. Chevey Chase may be a bitter/racist old man who hasn’t been relevant in decades but he isnt wrong about the recent seasons. Since Trump won its been lazy.

Very cool, thanks!

I find trophy hunting odd but I also find people watching boxing to be odd so I’m not one to judge. I don’t really see the outrage justification here.

Well there are places in the world where dogs are a traditional meat animal and raised specifically for that purpose.

Well some people did.

My guess is you are correct about them being “city hunters” and I appreciate you adding a caveat to lump all city folk into that category.

When I pull an unusually large carrot out of my garden I take a picture. When my kids and I pick a bunch of apples or pumpkins we pose with them.

Never heard of such a thing though in general I would never go trophy hunting and don’t associate with anyone who does. If your not going to eat it and its not being destructive you should leave it alone

so is this thing more of a Fallow Deer relative or a Moose relative?

Sexism does not require you to think one group is inferior or superior. Sexism is treating someone differently because of their gender (or your perception of their gender).

I am aware, I specifically said what we call a moose” is called “elk” in Europe.

The Irish Elk/Great Elk adds extra confusion to the whole Elk/Moose naming thing. What we call Moose in North America are called Elk in Europe and what we call Elk are called Wapiti.

You don’t have to believe women are inferior to be sexist.

Eh, you don’t need it to live but it still hurts.