The 400 Bros

Seriously, who likes the Sand Snakes? That whole plotline bores me to tears. At risk of sounding like a “book snob”, I found them to be much more interesting in the novels, and more fully fleshed out as characters. I’m not shedding a single tear that some of them have been killed.

The DNC nominated the person who got the most votes. By a lot.

If you want to cast aspersions, though, cast aspersions on the people in the Democratic party who were secretly (or not so secretly) hoping for a Trump nomination, because they thought he’d be a walkover.* Cast aspersions on the people inside the Clinton

His supporters would love it, honestly. Sadly. Jesus, this is all so bad.

I’m not saying that they don’t matter. I am saying that the people who have the power to hold him accountable (Republican leadership/Congress) have shown zero interest in holding him to any standard.

This was operating by old rules of decorum? They will justify anything he does because they believe they get a blank check to pass what they want while he is in office.

Either way it really combats the idea of Hollywood being in the pocket of some liberal cabal. Certainly the talent leans liberal, as we see with Arnold and Rapaport, but the producers and the higher-ups, not so much.

Tom Arnold is just being Tom Arnold, desperately seeking attention and relevance. Quite frankly, after everything trump has said and done, do we REALLY think the millions of people who supported him and voted for him are going to withdraw their support and call for his head on a platter because trump used the “n

“I have a secret. It’s SO GOOD! It’s the greatest secret in the whole world, you’re gonna love it! I can’t tell you, though.”

This is getting really annoying. Either say it or don’t say it. Make up your mind.

Enough with the fucking tweet storms. If you have something lengthy to write, put it in a blog post or a Facebook post. Tweet storms are the vertical video of the written word.

She didn’t run a “horrid” campaign, she ran a normal campaign in a totally abnormal political climate, and was further hamstrung by the fact that (1) there were many effective responses to Trump’s bullshit that weren’t available to her because she is a woman, (2) the media was obsessed with poring over every detail of

Beatable? Tell that to all the Republican front-runners he steamrolled over to get the nomination.

Yet true.

To be fair, Kim K has shown she values truth with Snapgate. Her twitter feed was far more reliable for information than half the “news” being spread around there.

When I heard that George Michael had passed away from a Facebook post, I checked three sources before I believed it to be true.

Learn from our mistake, Pakistan.

Every politician all over the world needs to have their Twitter taken away from them right the fuck now. Starting with FakeHair McOrangeFace.

Fake news and Twitter. Governing nations, especially ones with nuclear capabilities, should not be happening in the same forum where Kim Kardashian and Bette Midler start beef with each other over nude selfies.

Yep, we are proper fucked.

Fake news is gonna get us all killed.

Well life is a comedy to those that think, and a tragedy to those that feel. In other words: you can choose your own adventure!