The 400 Bros

Ugh teenagers, please stop making stuff up. You will get found out, and it will cast doubt on all the legitimate incidents of hate crimes post-election.

He does own an island. It sounds like both his LA place and his compound in France are for sale, but it probably does take awhile to find the right buyer for things that are that expensive.

At minimum, he has the five penthouse condos in LA, a mansion in France that’s supposedly closer to a village with multiple houses, and an island. So that’s three right there. I’m going to guess he also has a yacht, a private plane, and a small fleet of cars. And that’s without even getting into the scarf collection,

Doesn’t he own an island? Seems like someone needs to sit down with a money manager and talk property. We know there are a ton of Russian oligarchs coming into a shitload of money.

I don’t find it hard to believe that Depp’s short on liquid funds at all. He’s pretty much Nicholas Cage with a slightly more impressive filmography, right down to what I imagine is a willingness to recklessly spend on useless dumb shit.

It seems like there was a good bit of time between that settlement agreement and Heard’s PSA. I’m sure Johnny wasn’t making payments to her then because he just couldn’t figure out what configuration of scarves and chains to wear while signing the check? I actually can believe he has cashflow problems. That’s not the

My Facebook feed has just been a solid wall of this story - if it’s true, it’s actually awful. The grieving parents should have spent the last moments with their child, not a strange, aging beard enthusiast!

He has planets of evidence that we won’t. The GOP was supposed to stop this at the convention and nothing. The election itself was supposed to stop him and nothing. The recounts. Hell, some small naive part of me is still hoping for an electoral miracle even though I know it won’t happen. Everyone in a position to be

He also cancelled the press conference where he was going to tell us all about how he would deal with his conflicts of interest. He has no intention of removing the conflicts or finding an ethical way to manage them. He is setting up a kleptocracy and he thinks no one will stop him.

And you want to know why a woman didn’t get elected President? Because people still think like this. Also, Russia.

You see, when women fight, it’s stupid, petty drama that’s deserving of the reductive term “cat fight.” When men fight, it’s all about creative differences. Like Alec Baldwin’s tantrum over his beard on the set of The Edge or Jared Leto’s contrived antics on the set of the Suicide Squad.

Dear Men,

Women don’t fight with other women just because they’re women; people fight with each other on set or at work or in line for coffee because they’re assholes or because they’re tired

I am torn between trying to understand the alt-right because you need to understand the enemy to overcone them, but also wanting to ignore them because, as mentioned in the article, what they want most is attention. Having in-depth written articles dissecting the different hateful ideologies of this movement’s

This may fall on deaf ears, being grey, and not a prolific commenter, but can you please not cross post this to Giz?

Fuck off with this shit, please.

This is true, but still, that dude probably murdered a ton of folks. Takes the glimmer away a little.

I realized after I posted that that pretty much every human being generally looks good in black - but now you have provided an exception so I feel correct again.

Emma Stone is really the only one who doesn’t look good in black apparently. Stick with the jewel tones, girl

This is the hard-hitting journalism I come to Jezebel for.