Jack Keane

I think I speak for all of us when I say:

I want the judge overseeing this woman's case to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, so that every time during the trial she says something silly, he just randomly quotes one of his lines from "Batman and Robin"…

Years ago, when my English class was being taught "Macbeth", we were shown this particular version of the film, spread over two separate 1 hour lessons…
…and the thing I always remember about my viewing experience of it was that I was immeasurably stunned (nay, baffled!) to see that one of the film's producers

Am I the only one who was distracted by how, at some angles, Columbian Walter looks a lot like American Mike…?

I had no idea what grade to expect this episode getting from AVC…but boy, am I pleasantly surprised to find it given the full monty of praise.
Plus, as AVC reviews often do, the analysis given for this episode really helped me understand the episode even more, which is awesome.
(But seriously, though - that moment

The Ellroy-spoofing comments were golden.
Jack sat, wished he could do it too.
No dice.

For a minute there, I thought I'd need to open my squeaky yellow smiley-face bag and bring out the gas…

For Fox sake, Fox…

I never knew I wanted this until now…

But hey, at least that nowadays means I can watch all 6 seasons of it on demand, without adverts, for free!
(This is either most awesome, or most foolish, depending on your overall outlook on the quality of the show…)

I mean, I was 11 when the first season aired in the UK on Channel 4 (before it moved to Sky 1), and that bloody scene got to me then, and it gets to me even now.
The awesome acting.
The swelling Giacchino score.
Vincent diving into the water and swimming after Walt and Walt yelling

Did you know that if you shout the words "DICK WANKER FUCKHEAD" three times out loud, Gene Simmons magically appears out of thin air?
He's a lot like Beetlejuice, only a billion times more horrifying to behold…

"…a little muddled, a little muted, kept under glass…"

I still don't feel like any of this is entirely real. It all feels like some really weird, completely awful dream that I wish to wake up from as soon as possible, because living in a world without Robin Williams is simply - to steal a word from "The Princess Bride" - inconceivable…

To quote 'Team America':
"See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes, Chuck. And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything!"

"There seems no plan, because it is all plan. There seems no centre, because it is all centre.
We are all made of stars.
There's a starman waiting in the sky. He'd like to come and save us, but he thinks he'd blow our minds.
His name is Robert Paulson.
What is the Matrix?
Who killed Laura Palmer?
Where is Jessica Hyde?

If he does accept the job, then YOU DON'T KNOW HOW BLOODY LUCKY YOU ARE, AMERICA!
[*casually sips Earl Grey, eats crumpets and scones, waits in long queue, complains about buses, and other British stereotypes*]

Thank you most kindly, fellow stranger on the internet!

I will literally only watch this film if it has that fake theme tune written just for this article…

For some reason, the phrase "sweet, sweet snark" made me imagine a scenario where Statler and Waldorf release their own foodstuff, called "A Sweet Sweet Snark Snack".
(Oh, I dunno, it's my birthday; allow me one insane digression…)