Jack Keane

I took the liberty of making this immensely on-point selection into a Spotify playlist, for ease of listening in these frazzledly troubled times:…
Happy listening, and - [*Leslie Nielsen voice*] - I just wanted to tell you, America: Good luck. We're all counting on you.

You know that feeling you get when you've just witnessed an absolute masterpiece of a scene play out before your eyes, and you release a long-held breath you didn't realise you'd been holding throughout whatever was happening in that scene, and you sit back, and you're just like: "WOW".
That was the feeling I had with

A grizzled old half-burned Hicks, and a Space Jockey helmet-wearing Ripley, older, but no less badass?
Established canon be damned - THIS MOVIE IS TOO AWESOME NOT TO EXIST!

It's the TV finale equivalent of The Silence from "Doctor Who"!

I am astoundingly amazed and fully flabbergasted that "Dexter" doesn't appear in any category anywhere on this list.
I mean…c'mon…Dexter DROVE his BOAT into a HURRICANE.
And then he came out the other side of said hurricane…not only ALIVE…but as a fucking LUMBERJACK.
Why do we not talk about

Forgive me and my misspelling. I promise I won't get fooled again…

I wonder if they also have plans to release a song entitled "Baba(dook) O'Reilly"…?

This is all I've wanted to see happen ever since I watched that abominable load of wanton toss known as the movie adaptation of "From Hell"…

They may have changed that stupid, stupid, stupidly stupid line for the better…
…but I think we all know that none of us will ever be able to sing along to it without singing "WELL TONIGHT THANK GOD IT'S THEM INSTEAD OF YOOOOOOU!" in the most exaggerated Bono impressions we can muster…

Well, she's definitely coming back for the Christmas special, at least.
The preview they showed during Children In Need proved that.
(Just FYI, in case that preview wasn't shown anywhere else…)

My god.
The sarcasm in this column is LETHAL…

"…horror movies tend to attract teenagers, who non-teenagers unanimously cite as the worst demographic in the world."

So what do you think his next book'll be called, eh?
"A Time To Kill My Career"?
"The Runaway From The Jury"?
[*insert further John Grisham book title jokes here*]

This article jokes, but imagine if this actually WAS the next "Saw" film, and it was like "Wes Craven's New Nightmare", and it went all meta, and had the cast and crew of the original "Saw" films falling prey to the ridiculous traps because they were trying to restart the franchise for monetary purposes, and they need

"The first Americanized IT Crowd…never made it past the pilot stage, but perhaps NBC turning it off and on again will help."

In 10 years or so, if they're both still around (*crosses fingers, shakes fist at sky*), maybe David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin could team up again, and make a movie about all these Marvel dodgy dealings.
Perhaps it could be called "The Spidey Webwork"…

And of course, to be really fair, neither have a lot of the people who've adapted his works over the years…

That's one of the few King-related films I haven't yet seen, which is why I didn't include it in my little list, as I can't vouch for its quality myself.
(I mean, I haven't seen "Maximum Overdrive", either…but c'mon, EVERYbody knows how infamously awful that film is…)

To be honest, King's never been very good at adapting his own work - or writing original stuff - for the screen, whether that screen be big or small.
"Maximum Overdrive".
"The Stand" (the TV mini-series).
"The Shining" (the TV mini-series remake).
That one episode of "Under The Dome" he did (although to

Hear me out, guys:
Neil Patrick Harris…IN…"I Am Legend: WAIT FOR IT…"