Never agreed with a headline so much before even reading the article. There is nothing more irritating to me than crafting in video games.. certain ones it makes sense, but after a while everything just becomes clutter.
Never agreed with a headline so much before even reading the article. There is nothing more irritating to me than crafting in video games.. certain ones it makes sense, but after a while everything just becomes clutter.
Completely agree with you. The time commitment/grind of the whole thing and on top of that you typically have to manage inventory. Don’t have any room? Gather ingredients to craft a larger backpack or satchel or whatever the fuck. Or backtrack for 30min to offload some items into storage. Ugh.
I hate “crafting” in video games so fucking much. It’s painfully arbitrary and tedious.
That photo with the bean bags makes me physically ill. It probably smells so bad in there. Unwashed dudes with the same underwear for 3 days trying to cover up the stench with with thick layers of the most sickly sweet Axe spray they can get their hands on. Aside from that the lighting is torture, it looks even worse…
Get ready for the apologists guys, you’ll eventually encounter some of them around.
Don’t you people have cell phones?!?
She wasn’t lying that anything could be hacked....and anyone.
I didn’t expect them to buff Sombra so much.
I’m honestly just... not interested? It isn’t even a comment on their behavior (though I might’ve felt more inclined to at least take a look otherwise), but rather on the lack of compelling reason to play. Maybe at some point I’ll take a look once they release PVE given I’ve already paid for the original game, but as…
Also you know the lady in old-age makeup is going to become young again somehow
Fuck no on giving them my phone number.
Unlike me. I’m a great loser. I lose even when people think “there’s no way for this guy to lose in this situation”.
Ed: “Babylon’s Fall?”
Sojourn (the game’s first playable Black woman) and Junker Queen, a Mad Max-looking tank
Game looks fun and I thought the trailer was fine in that it got me interested in the game. *shrugs*
While people want to think gender as ‘fluid’ however in reality, it is simply not the case. Biologically speaking, the purpose of living things is to conceive and multiply and keep their species alive.
I always feel out-of-touch when these lists not only have nothing I’ve played, but 75% or more I’ve never even heard of.
Including a rough playtime is a really great call. As someone with sadly too little time to play video games these days, having some kind of idea before I decide whether to get a game or not is a huge boon.
I haven’t really been following AC since 3, but I suspect none of their endings will match the skyscraper-sized fondue of cheesiness that is the end of AC2