

The “news” about two blokes getting stabbed didn’t actually happen! This is the liberal media propagating lies that minorities in this country are under more threat than anytime in the past 40 years; white males care.

Regarding Fucktards like Christian; this is the one place liberals (like me) generally have it wrong. Fast, fair* trial. Fast, fair* appeal. Fast, unapologetic death.

The whites are doubling down on keeping their white supremacist trophies.

He’s obviously ok with it, but someone shoot me if I ever have a soul-tee.

Perhaps, subconsciously, the latter. I’m not above my own failings.

My troll for the day:

How does a “side of history” become “right”; the destroyer of western civilization?

YEAH! Political/humanitarian crisis in other countries never spill over into other countries’ back yards, so why should we care!

A crapton of America is overweight. This makes me wonder if we’d be having more sex if we were fitter, more attractive as a society (no fat shaming here - just being realistic).

He was 30 years her senior. He was 33 years senior to her mustache.

Sean Spencer smiles quite a bit; is good at convincing an arrangement of mostly white numbskulls he’s got supernatural insight.

Jeeps? You’re gonna miss the Indy 500.

Needs a bigger star.

Same here.

Yay useless horsepower! I would rather have a useful 2x Focus RS, which is $103/HP.

...useful idiots.

Pardon my policing, but you might want to take another crack at this sentence:

Today, you’ve won the internet.

This is the car I really want and am utterly disappointed it’s not coming to the US. I don’t know who to rage at; stupid US import regulations, VWs stupidity of only selling thier best cars in Europe, or the average moronic US consumer that seems to only want to buy slushbox small SUVs.