Spoiler alert: You’re still being tracked, and you’re still creating trackable data. Ad blockers do a lot to stop it, but not nearly enough.
Spoiler alert: You’re still being tracked, and you’re still creating trackable data. Ad blockers do a lot to stop it, but not nearly enough.
As the only kid I knew who grew up with an internet connection (in the 90's), these were pretty much the guidelines that my parents drilled in to me. They were obviously pretty lax about the actual content I browsed (mostly fansites), but they made sure I was properly paranoid about the internet. It didn’t make a ton…
Au contraire! The symbiote just helps ol’ Eddie see his true calling. It’s a mutual situation.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
I actually took typing class back in school and hated it so much that I actively rebelled, and went back to hunting and pecking.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
Prior to the late 1800s, America was an extraordinarily different place.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
Now this is a union I can get behind!
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
I am disputing the benefits of true open borders. And considering that no one has actually done this, there’s very little data to go on. If you have any that go beyond the theoretical, I would love to see it.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
I wasn’t cherry picking, I was showing that the article backed up my points. Notice how the pieces you quoted ALSO didn’t refute my points. Cherry picking means ignoring information that would be harmful to your argument, not JUST ignoring information.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
What in that wikipedia article refutes what I said? Here from the text:
Like anyone gives a shit what you think.
Ne truly is a special one, isn’t ne? Always has to ‘win’ to the point of being blind to obvious logical inconsistencies. Thinks if ne keeps on posting that I’ll eventually have an actual discussion about the topic, rather than string nyr along with the barest of engagement, as a form of amusement.