I’m with you. It seems like OP completely doesn’t understand development, or what was actually occurring in the scenes where Richard was coding.
I’m with you. It seems like OP completely doesn’t understand development, or what was actually occurring in the scenes where Richard was coding.
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Ah, good to know! I’m sure we’ll see each other around again (as we’ve run into each other before), so I’ll keep it in mind! I certainly appreciate you doing your part for the grays, too.
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Read the rest of the thread.
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Thanks again, babe!
Another one dismissed by the “adult” in the room. In response to TheGCU’s second reply:
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Here’s an idea: You could just ignore my replies to you. You don’t have to dismiss them. What does that accomplish? I’m just going to repost them, anyway. If they’re bullshit, people will know. And they may even tell me! And then I can discuss with THEM about bullshit, all while you just completely ignore me.
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Oh, that’s super easy to reconcile: Texans are, by and large, reasonable folks. Texas legislators are, by and large, the worst people on the planet.
Classic work. No worries, I’ve reposted the reply as a response to my comment so you can’t dismiss it. Sad that you have to be handled with kid gloves like this, but I guess that’s what being an adult is, to you.
Ha ha ha! Called it. Thanks, TheGCU. Anyway, here’s my reply, for posterity, since TheGCU is too adult to let someone disagree with nir:
Whoops! Looks like my comment got dismissed. No worries, I’ll repost the highlights (and continue to repost it, as many times as it gets dismissed).
Yeah. Your comment looks real adult. And when you dismiss this comment (as your history indicates), that’ll be real adult, too.