The Wanderer

I really need to finish Zestiria. Got depressed when lost my safe file after more than 100 hours of gameplay.

And that’s why the aliens won’t talk to us. We suck at parking.

The Big and Bad grandfather of them all, the

The Big and Bad grandfather of them all, the

I could see myself in each paragraph of this article.
I’m specially fond of Gunpla, Cloth Myths, Figuarts and Legos (mainly Bionicle) and now that I have a good job and some money to spend, I’m accomplishing lots of childhood dreams at once.

Only problem is: I’m currently living with my parents and my brother, with very

Hello Mr. Gibson, how are you?

“This video is not available”

How are things going in Venezuela, dude?
I’ve seen something about it in the news, but I don’t watch much television anymore so I didn’t get the whole picture. All I heard is that the situation in your country was even worse than in mine.

If so, I hope everything gets better soon. I know how hard it can be living in a


I try to buy the original games every time, but they’re so damn expensive here in Brazil.
People love to say how much we pirate games of here, but bear with me for a sec: minimum wage here is around 880 reais a month. Most games are costing around 200 reais now. So just one game a month can cost 1/4 of your income. And

I will always remember the first PSVita game I’ve bought, also the first one in a long while. It was expensive, more than 100 bucks here in Brazil, more than 1/10 of my month’s payment.

I was so happy to finally open it, to finally play something after so long. To have the money to own a game, not have to pirate it.

“Considering how technology has advanced, I’m sure we can bend the laws of physhics and take some nice pictures!”

Dude, let’s read a little bit first about HOW cameras (or light, for that matter) ACTUALLY work, shall we?

I mean, c’mon, 15 minutes on the internet and you’ll know everything about magnitude, exposure and

Wait until he finds Persona. Guy’s gonna freak out.

“Before Hitomi, there were two other attempts to send a microcalorimeter into space—and both ended in strange accidents.”


Paranoid? This is the FIRST thing you should do when buying a new laptop, at least with the webcam. The software solution is easily bypassed, I’ve done it myself to show my brother why he should tape his.

My phone doesn’t have a frontal camera and I have a desktop computer, without a webcam. They can be easily hacked

God, I’m so sorry you have to put up with this, Jason.
We live in an era where people can be really smart and really stupid at the same time, which frighten me a lot.

I hope you are well and that none of this stupid people who don’t seem to know how serious a thing like this is aren’t actually crazy enough to KNOW how

“Li’s fictional megacompany, which acts as a conglomerated stand-in for the unicorn tech companies currently out there”

Does the book have a Spider-Man too?

I’m brazilian and I can verify ALL OF THEM.
Just the economic reasons would be enough. But the violence and the zika epidemic just make everything alarming.

I’m a huge fan of the olympics and I was really glad when we won the contest to host the games, but Brazil isn’t in the best place right now.

I’m being serious,

The problem is much more the 96k followers. They want the trolls.
It’s what the league community has become, thanks in great part to Riot’s policies themselves.
What was originally a fun game to play with friends became a kindergarden full of insults and childish behavior. What the company did? Sold more icons and

Do we have a new strategy game for PC? If not, NO Warhammer games have hit since 2014.

I guess the US government is running their flight jets on Windows now. Good for them!