The Wanderer

Sony Failures Bingo
(x) VAIO
(x) TVs
(x) Smartphones
(x) PS Vita
(x) PS TV

Lee us see what number comes next.

And I thought I was evil. Thanks Ashley, you just opened a whole new realm of embarrassment for me to explore.

That’s where they get you. Since many genres and franchises aren’t as good as they used to be or simply vanished, they do a simple port and voilà, you have to pay all over again.

Sure, it might seem cheap when you buy them, but after doing this a few times, you see that it isn’t.

Great article, guys!

Soon we’ll be able to replicate even muscle fibers, making the perfect artificial limbs, based on the already great human anatomy but stronger, more sturdy. And that day is not very far away. 10, maybe 20 years.

Never forget the zero requiem. Lelouch might start as a selfish character, but he ends in the most selfless way possible.

To me is a little more like Blade Runner, Deus Ex or some 80's cyberpunk.

“Miles Morales is the sole superhero survivor of Marvel’s Ultimate imprint”

She said “beam me up”. Couldn’t.

I bought PSVita for P4 Golden.
And I’m not disappointed.

But they sure as hell made my life very hard with that stupid stand-by glitch that ended up breaking my memory card port and the damn very expensive memory card.
Also, no support. AT ALL.
Also, very expensive games.

Nice list, but I was hoping to see The Maker, AKA 1610 Reed Richards, in this list.

He’s the ultimate (pun unintended) example of how smart people feel so dissociated from regular people the they usually become depressed and, given superpowers and a universe that lets you build a tesseract, ending up as a villain.


Loved the cosplays, but give me and my friend some time.
We’re currently in the gym to get fit for the characters.
I also know someone who can make better Genos arms, with real leds.
When we’re done, these will look like Revoltech’s Boba Fett when Medicom launched theirs.

“Climate change is a myth”

Say the idiots while the dust storm makes them cough.

Não sabia que existia algum lugar por aqui com esse costume. De qual estado você é?

Don’t worry, my feet are pretty clean. lol
He just likes telling people what to do.
But still, it’s not very uncommon here in Brazil people walking with shoes indoors and bare feet outdoors. That’s what puzzles me.
I always use shoes outside my house and take them off as soon as I get home. Then I get bare feet, because

Right? It’s a type of waxed reflexive wood (those little wood rectangles), but still, it doesn’t make any sense. But it’s his house, so I respect it.

I know how you feel.

I live in Brazil and people here don’t usually take their shoes off when indoors. I never liked that, even before learning about tatami and the japanese culture. My father makes me wear slippers in his house because the floor is wood and he says walking barefoot makes the floor dirty, but I’d rather have to clean the

Now playing

It’s expensive? Yeah, it’s expensive.
But I have 3 words for you all, gentlemen:
(Also, Capaldi voices Capaldi, so this couldn’t get any better)

“The Metric System”

Looks like someone is having a huge butthurt.