That sounds neat. Too bad you can’t change (in-game) the language nor resize the screen to remove those horrible borders. First PS4 game that makes me do that.
That sounds neat. Too bad you can’t change (in-game) the language nor resize the screen to remove those horrible borders. First PS4 game that makes me do that.
First: she identified herself as an ArenaNet employee and was talking in length about the development of the game on a public platform. It’s the pinnacle of unprofessionalism saying that once you’re off the clock you can say anything you want to anyone and not have engagement or repercussions.
Second: Once you start…
Wait, did you just say NECRONS?
Fucking finally!
Is it anywhere near DOW1?
Oh, c’mon. I’ve been waiting on this game for almost 10 years and they’ll make it first person? If I want to play Deus EX, I’ll play Deus EX.
Sure, NMS made a lot of promises and fell flat on mostly all of them at launch.
But you have to give credit where credit is due and the developers have since upgraded the game several times. And they keep going.
NEXT got me curious to play the game gain.
*Checks if Okami and Persona 4 are on the list*
Okay, carry on.
I miss Dark Crusade.
I’m sorry you don’t understand English. Or how to interpret text, for that matter.
“Eververse was never intended to be a substitute for end game content and rewards”
Another case of “Oops, we accidentaly put everything behind a paywall that only serves to make us crazy amounts of money! Sorry about that, getting rich by the easiest means was never our intention”.
They must hate when that happens.
If a guy as eloquent as that can work at Kotaku, I’m expecting my nobel in literature any day now.
In the case of Overwatch, it’s very much deserved. As a LoL and DoTA fan and player for many, MANY years, I have to recognize how much thought and care Blizzard gave to their “MOBA”. The world, the characters, everything is thought to the tiniest detail. And I don’t even play Overwatch.
As much as I love League, Riot…
I didn’t know Ys until recently, when I stumbled upon Memories of Celceta for the Vita and enjoyed it a lot. Do you know if the Vita version is much different, Mike? I love playing a good RPG on the go.
You can start with something small like plastic models, to learn and have some fun. Most plastic models are pretty cheap and you can paint them with spray of various colors.
I had never done any of this stuff until last year, when I finally bought a gunpla kit, some cans of spray and had a blast painting it. Pretty…
If this game doesn’t have any Star Wars or Marvel universes I’m gonna be deeply dissapointed, after all the best part of Kingdom Hearts are all the crazy crossovers and powers you get from the universes.
Country where literally everyone can have a real gun.
Bans plastic guns at cosplay event, where cosplayers go to cosplay, because guns are dangerous.
Real solid logic you people have over there, congrats.
I miss the old days when a skin was just to make a character look cool.
I know, I know. Just a joke.
But, y’know, 40 million dollars.
I bet. But, with a budget of 40M, you’d think they have some money to spare in better facial animation. Or some classes in how to make it.