The Wanderer

Turn one of the best stories from the late 90’s/early 2000’s, one of the best cyberpunk of ALL TIME and a manifesto about our future society into ANOTHER generic FPS game?

Well, that seems like an amazing idea. Let’s spend time, money and manpower to do that.

Ghost in The Shell deserves games like Metal Gear Solid, like

You won’t even get to see that happen, either, as the new comics that are coming are set 8 months after the formation of this new universe.”

As someone who follows Marvel’s comic books for several years now, I’m very tired of this “many months later”. Okay, comics are hard to follow. If you’re new to them, they get

There is. It’s called Adblock Plus.

This one will always be my XP favorite.

I’d pay some serious money to have one of those.

You should see Brazil.

I had to read again because i couldn’t believe that huge line was for an ARCADE game.
Gotta love Japan.

Can I just say that the suit in the gif with the paraplegic man kicking the ball was made ALL with brazillian technology, in a country in which people and the government don’t give A SHIT about these things? So much that this image didn’t have ANY repercussion at that time, besides the “journalists” and opinion makers

That’s why we have so many gorgeous animations to compensate.

What if you bought in the US, but then moved to a different country?