The T

McCain was a hero for his efforts in Southeast Asia. Today, that was revoked. Now, it’s just a foreshadowing of what the evil Republican Traitors look and act like when they’re doddering old men.

From the book of holes -

Does anyone else think that those ears on Jeff Sessions are handles for Drump.

What is it about hate crime suspects and their aversion to combs?

All modern names sound like endless variations of porn star protocol.

Looks like a lazy ass candidate for jail. You know, just like the stereotypes that emanate from the shitty law enforcement crowd.

The plaintiff needs a kiss.

You don’t get concussions from academics.

If you see sen hannity on the street, give him a kiss (tongue optional).

What a fat little fuck. Look at the paunch in that picture. With a belly roll like that, how is he supposed to see his tiny little…hands.

Ben Carson has no dick.


Good. The only leaks should be pissing on the corned beef king.

The poop emoji called m. It made it clear that it is tired of being an abbreviation for Drump.

And you thought all douches had massengill written on the packaging.

Does the tweet imply that he liked hunting for Baltimore Ravens too?

Food stamp corruption is a canard. If you int know what a canard is, well then, duck.

So, you can boycott Home Depot and write this asshole a letter telling him you can’t buy dope with food stamps, but your debit card works just fine. Then ask him what kind of drugs he’s on.

Police chief acts like dick. Turns out to be dick. Turns out to be a criminal.