The T

Georgia. See above story.

So, three things.

Sad day for the victims and their loved ones.

Snort, fizzle, zoom, link, potash, bell burp, frankl\

One can only hope that this doesn’t go well for Prof. Kipnis.

Why does he always look like he just got done jerking off?

Pop stars of this era shooting all over each other. Might as well just start a good ole cage match.

Piss your pants funny. Now, excuse me. You’re blocking my light

This is a superb podcast. Highly recommended.

Yeah, there’s a certain amount of hypocracy when Taboola and Outbrain are at the heart of your sophisticated web based advertising system.

At least he didn’t have to have Sex with Wendy,.

Many questions you pose here.

He’s not that big, especially in the “hands” department.

Nah, nothing in the piece changes my mind.

Add the vague smell of stale urine and you got me.

Any chance that the cause of death would be cramming too many roast turkeys into that fat dfuck mouth of his?

Mr Bret is offensive ion every way. No science, do dice. Jesus NYT. get your head out of your ass.

Vomit-worthy, n’est pas?

When your job depends on the success of this choice you can complain., Or, when you show me your record of successful personnel decisions made by you, you can complain.

Cigarettes cure everything.