The Snowman

The police have nothing to go on.

Those pictures remind me of being in middle-school sex ed, and they show you weird pictures of anatomy that are excessively detailed, and you’re kind of aroused, but also confused and a bit frightened.

Alabama got a bit confused on the 3/5’s compromise...

Classic “but Hillary” defense, nice...

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

This story has really humped the shark.

The assailant was seated in section 541, row 24, seat 10.

You geriatric fuck

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

Just do what any other police dept would do. Give him his X-Box back but then give him a ticket pretty much any time he drives.

like human platters, if that makes sense.

Odd, because when my balls are blown it normally causes me to go long.

Joke’s on him. Wentz uses direct deposit.

The answer is obvious.

“Hey, did you come across a disabled woman out there?”

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

West Coast, Best Coast.

He’s an Inspiron to us all

You sure it’s not a Lincoln?

What an amateur. He should have been yelling “stop resisting.”