
I am utterly fascinated by fans who live like halfway across the world and adopt a very random American team as their own. Like, if someone in Belgium or Malaysia liked the Bulls in the 90's, that does nothing for me. But random die-hard Knicks fans, Brewers fans, Jaguars fans, etc. who live in Luxembourg or Estonia

The Arena League was the coolest second tier pro league we’ll ever get in the U.S. Gotta do something different to get people to watch. A bad version of the NFL will never cut it because the NFL is frequently a bad version of itself.

The homeplate umpire just missed decking Bogaerts in the chin with the out call. 

White guy here. I would be bored as fuck if we got another round of exclusively white guy movies. Diversity in television and cinema is a good thing. It means more different stories from more different people. Different is more interesting than same. I want more Into the Spiderverse and less Ant-Man.

Analytics and fantasy sports have been the greatest gifts ever given to owners. You can now trot out a patently awful, inexpensive lineup and “fans” will say “this makes perfect sense because the cost saving revenue divestiture against the cap will allow an arbitrage based approach for acquisition of sub-market value

I am going to receive calls from all over the country and all kinds of people—this is always what happens—and they are going to say I’ve got an email or a text message or—now, 90 percent of that is going to be bullshit because it’s always bullshit 90 percent of the time, always, whether it’s R. Kelly or Trump, the

I did non-profit work where I had to schmooze wealthy donors at dinners and social gatherings. His behavior is absolutely consistent with many of the rich crazies I solicited money from. Most inherited their money, grew up never hearing the word “no,” and still believed that they had earned their station. As they had

There is no downside to creating this television program!

Social media participation is the primary identity for many people like Jade. That’s gone now. The nature of the medium will ensure that no matter what she puts out there, a critical mass of replies will disrupt it. In the span of a few hours, a big chunk of her orientation to the world was obliterated and will likely

For everyone waiting for “the thing that is so bad that even his most ardent supporters turn on him”... I’ve got some bad news for you.

Its biggest period of growth was when it was background noise on the radio pre-TV.  There’s value in a game that is digestible in small, discrete chunks.

We now have to rationalize teams trying to win. Owners have managed to convince cosplay GM’s at home that sending out shitty teams to secure some future success at an undetermined date is “smart strategy.”

...if phones continue to make everyone’s attention span OOH LOOK SQUIRREL

an absolute dearth of offensive skill position talent

At least in the current system there are ~10 teams that do.

I think the best way to eliminate low payroll teams that profit off corporate and league welfare checks would be to eliminate local TV contracts. MLB negotiates, pockets, and redistributes all broadcast revenue. That’s the lifeblood of teams like the Yankees and Dodgers (not gate revenue). If there were 30 teams with

With stadium prices, that beer works out to roughly 15X the actual value of the baseball.

Every year I see it... some asshole trying to grab the foul ball caught by the kid or something.  What the fuck does someone doing this get out of it?  

I see a not zero percent chance this iteration of Daniel Bryan wins over A LOT of fans. Vince will then either A-neuter the character like post pipe bomb Punk or B-have Bryan do some vile set of things to show SOY BOYS BAD (thinking sexual assault or something because Vince).