If there were no Jaguars, it would have been necessary to invent them.
If there were no Jaguars, it would have been necessary to invent them.
While this issue is a million miles away from Trump, I think this is a larger concern for many mature, Western states. There are a lot of people who have not benefited from the bounty of globalization and automation. “Shit ain’t working, let’s try something crazy” seems to be the sentiment from many people facing some…
I actually think that California or New York should have the ability to secede peacefully, if a convincing majority of their people want to do so.
Tenure protects politically volatile speech on college campuses. Ultimately, I believe it is a good system. It does, unfortunately, ensure we’ll get this nonsense from time to time.
I re-watched King of Kong the other day and realized that the movie was subtly preparing me for a Donald Trump presidency.
Things I’ve agreed with in the last month... Roger Goodell, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Stephen A. Smith, and Tucker Fucking Carlson. This is the darkest timeline.
While I suspect the number of sportsball enthusiasts here is rather paltry, this reeks of the same sort of “build the arena to get people to come to our city” desperation that communities bought into in the 90's and 00's.
And Jay Pritchett.
This whole shit is why the bad guys always win. When I went to Washington for the Women’s March, so many people lectured me on how ineffectual and self-serving it was. “You think that will make a difference?” they said. The nihilism of dissenters and an absolute willingness to eat our own will undo any feasible chance…
Given the Tillman family’s blunt use of colorful language and their cynicism towards the PR that was pasted over his death, I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that Trump just try to bring Pat Tillman into this debate.
The WWE of today usually gets 8-10K for a show. They close sections, put tarps on them, and ensure cameras only show the remaining sections that now appear “full.”
I believe marijuana legalization is a social policy and that tends to get the kids excited. I’m a little less certain about the Chargers.
For anyone living in LA, how much more excited were football fans in the city with the USC result this weekend? I would have to think that’s a much bigger deal to many based on the Rams/Chargers attendance.
There’s a not zero percent bad argument that he’s our least healthy president ever. So don’t lose faith... though the vile tend to live forever.
The interesting implication of this is that war became considerably more costly in blood and treasure because of these developments. It probably shouldn’t be terribly surprising that we get the Treaty of Westphalia as soon as armies became professional, technically advanced killing machines. I’m a total goddam…
I agree that Vince is very likely one of the greatest wrestling on-screen personalities in history. That said, there are some compelling arguments that he’s responsible for creating the version of Donald Trump that is currently president. So my respect for him is very much a give and take thing.
Bond could have been a million. Daddy pays it. She’s no flight risk, because there’s an excellent chance she will not face punishment for this. My only hope? The homeless man makes a full recovery, gets a ballbreaking lawyer, and successfully sues for a kajillion dollars in damages. If we can’t imprison these…
Between them and their wives, they pull down $100k a year and think that makes them “the rich” and therefore “overtaxed.”
TIL: Trump is a bottom in his bromance with the GOP. (actually I intuitively knew that but you laid it out very clearly and persuasively)