America has always been a lie.
America has always been a lie.
His Russian seemed fine to me.
Except that it shouldn’t have been a surprise at all. He’s made it clear dozens of times this is exactly what he was going to do. The wonderful “Autocracy: Rules for Survival” by Masha Gessen in the New York Review of Books provides the best cautionary advice: “Rule #1: Believe the autocrat. He means what he says.”
Giuliani wanted a seat at the table in the administration (likely Attorney General). Didn’t get it. And NYC power plays between types like him and Trump can get ugly. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking hate Giuliani. But I also would be delighted if he says where some of the bodies are buried in some sort of scorched…
I was reminded of someone when it occurred to me that Curt might ask for Ponson’s long form birth certificate. Schilling will inevitably beat Elizabeth Warren to become a Senator because the universe appears to be in full fuck you mode.
Not to turn a sportsball discussion too political... but this seems like an especially inappropriate time to be assessing “how American” a person needs to be to contribute.
I would expect at least five and as many as twenty faithless electors. This would also be very historic. Like, the last time there was a number higher than that was when a president elect died before inauguration. I would think events like that might whittle away his support further... but (sadly) he’s always…
I’m reasonably sure the Chiefs are going to win the AFC West, duct tape a playoff victory, and lose the AFC Championship game in New England. Because fuck you.
The song “Perfect Friend” by Randy Savage is probably the most transcendent moment of popular culture that any of us will ever experience:
The “Trump is stupid and does stupid things and racist and has a stupid Twitter” will do nothing to hurt him with his base (though it feels good to do it). To bring him down, the contrast between his rich guy shit and the jobs he will fail to create is the way to go. Show him living a lavish lifestyle while the…
Russia needs valuable real new estate to exploit (their current position is far less stable than Putin’s bravado would suggest). Stable democracies tend to oppose unchecked expansionism by dictators. Destabilize democracies and Putin can roll the tanks into Eastern Europe. Hell, some of the stooges he’s installed…
This will probably be a stupid question, but here goes... why doesn’t baseball structure itself financially more like other sports? You could have a salary cap (but a pretty high one), a salary floor (to avoid fire sales and tanking), more aggressive revenue sharing (perhaps MLB negotiating all local TV contracts),…
A piece of shit, bizarro candidate was what central casting called for this election. Trump got the role, but it could have just as easily gone to someone else.
Until millions of dollars and strong youth development programs for baseball, football, basketball, tennis, etc. cease to exist, the U.S. will never be a soccer power. We’ve probably had dozens of Messi’s and Ronaldo’s... they just showed an aptitude for a major American sport at a young age and were tracked towards…
And continuing to fund stadiums from this incredibly fucking skewed perspective will only ensure it continues.
Are/were there Coyotes in Washington? Seems like a cactus-y, dusty ol’ trail hand on his last ride sort of animal.
It occurs to me that Gaston is literally Trump. Down to killing all those animals and grabbing pussy. Fuck Trump. Everything I’ve seen for the last week still brings me back to this. When will it stop?
“But if you’re not doing anything wrong, why are you afraid?” asks every authoritarian in history.
The rich always vote GOP. The racists will always pick the white guy who promises “law and order, lol.” It was that 14% that swayed the election.
You know that seen in Braveheart? Where William Wallace stands up for his country in the face of unimaginable torture with a cry of “FREEDOM!”? This is exactly like that only more brave.