
There’s some data on media consumption that suggests the youngs “won’t watch old things.” Anything more than like 5-10 years old is just too ancient for the kids to enjoy (NOTE: my daughter LOVES Labyrinth, however she generally follows this trend). Hence, we’ll be getting a lot of remakes and retellings of stories

His take his horrible. That said, I suspect MANY rich white people attend Hamilton “to be seen” and return to their luxury apartments thinking not one bit about the experiences of PoC. And that’s a pity.

My gal has vaginismus (made worse with some surgical and medical issues she’s dealt with). It was a brick wall for our sex life until we had a good talk about it and decided to switch things up. We’ve largely dropped traditional intercourse from the menu (we struggle through it a couple times a year for old time

You have won today’s internet. Now please go find your smile.

You seem nice, but this is a demonstrably terrible suggestion.

There is no one to cheer for in this fight.

I teach at a college in the New York State system. Literally everything about our compensation, contracts, and probably our extra stinky farts is public record and easily searchable. We also have to sign disclosure mandates stating that we are legally obligated to report any abuse (or accusation of abuse) occurring on

You seem nice, but this is a demonstrably incorrect opinion.

As a species, we had a good run. Probably best just to shut it down, at this point.

Why don’t kirby wear no pants?! Kinda pervy also.

A movie version of “Cats?”

PLEASE NOTE: The same Ted Cruz defended Kim Davis’ right not to perform her elected duties because of her “moral stance.” If he wrote the brief, he did it because he agreed with it (according to his reasoning).

Best wishes to you. It’s shitty that people give you flack for a job you previously held. I suspect former Enron and BP employees (who quantifably killed people) can speak of their previous jobs without shame. But you can’t because reasons.

This is an excellent point. The word “huge” as an adjective for size has also been destroyed.

They’re young. What do the PECOTA projections say about where they’ll be at when they become full cocks?

I have a few friends who never grew out of their collegiate Marxism phase. Most are gainfully employed poseurs at this point, in my estimation. They are hardcore Trump supporters because they believe full collapse is necessary to reform the system. I need to better curate my friends.

HGTV has RUINED me. I see something hideous like that Lane Sweetheart Chest and think about distressing it, giving it industrial fixtures, metallic paint on the trim, etc.

When you add the comedic, fake non-injuries, this was a spring training for the ages.

That sloth gave me my new driver’s license at the DMV. Weird.

This is not connected to the discussion, but I miss “Hannibal” so much.