Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

Tweets by reporters are also not really the same thing as published news reports.

First off, I was right on both accounts. No acknowledgment of that?

No. I’m saying no snark from me. You do whatever you want, but don’t get defensive already. There’s no need for that.

1/ Not just debt, a specific type of debt. Medical debt. It accounts for well over half of all filings.

Cool. So answer two questions for me. No snark, if you want to actually debate this, I’ll be civil.

Do not have the resources”..? I see people driving cross country all the time in moving trucks that are very cheap to rent.

I am not insensitive to social welfare programs,

What a fantastic country. I can see why a third of Americans suddenly want to be just like Russia. Its not an oppressive shit hole run by knuckle draggers at all. #MAGA

It’s not even that big of a deal, something like 8 percent of kids do it.

My friend’s younger brother (younger brother, not little brother) ate 4 Chipotle burritos in one sitting.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the right to crank one out without seeing no fucking weirdos.

You mean the people who want to tell everyone else how to live their lives are… Crazy?

30 bucks says 50% of them are the Menendez Trump Brothers, 25% are Curt Shilling and the other 25% are from my dad.

She gets to have all the fun.

Skull fucked to death by a gang white nationalists who discover he’s 25% black.

Over under on how long FOX waits to blame this on Obama?

Totally unrelated…

exactly. typical confirmation bias, reading it and thinkings its a positive aspect of the city.

Of course Houston is a shithole. Even the “diversity” he’s referring to is bollocks. Sure, its one of the most diverse cities in America.