Democrats, attack!
Probably because of Obama. Thanks Obama.
How is there no emoji for “dismissive wanking motion”?
If the wealthy really want to be empowered as our “job creators” *insert pantomime jerk off gif here* then they would embrace higher taxes.
While I sympathize with the sentiment, Nolan, that kind of talk is *not* going to land you a reservation at Cafe Milano.
You don’t have to get the investment money through work. You could also get it through an inheritance. It involves no work on my part if my parents die suddenly and leave me $150k.
It’s also where the cracks in the whole “libertarian” facade become evident, because the thing is, those free-marketeers who swarm out of the woodwork (seriously, is there like a libertarian Bat-signal somewhere on the Internet that goes up? Are there pheremones involved? How does it work?) at every post that…
“The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.” - Tom Waits
The North Side of my island is being wiped off the face of the earth, the eye wall could hit San Juan, and the USVI and PR could be without electricity or water for months, but I’m glad to know Mark is asking the tough questions
Don’t burn yourself with that hot take, bro.
Oh no, I got it. I just thought it was kinda dumb to compare fear of having a material object taken away to the life of an actual human person.
My gun was brought here as a child from Germany when it was just 2 months old. It doesn’t even speak German. I would hate for Obama libtards to come and confiscate my gun and deport it to Germany.
They feared that someone would use a federal gun registry to come find them and tear their families apart and deport them from the only country they’ve ever known because of the “sins” of their parents?
Because being an immigrant poses the exact same threat to others as owning a weapon.
Uh oh! Got you furious! Post post post post!
That’s really wishful thinking that I can only hope comes true, but I have my doubts that justice will ever rain down on any of these ass-clowns.
It doesn’t.
Sex? With Kushner? You think she would be cheating on daddy like that?