Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

That study he’s referencing can basically make that claim because Houston is the first major city that’s not a majority white. But that study is paid for by 2 Texas based firms…

lol Jesus. Will you dumb ass Texans shut up about that Houston being the “Most Diverse City in America” study?

Ad hominem. Nice. When you can’t defend your actions, why not project your shortcomings?

Depends. On 1/ how involved he is with Trump’s overture’s to Russia and why he lied about meeting with representatives of Moscow (he brought Carter Page into the campaign, so he is/was probably pretty involved) 2/ How involved he was with fundraising and Trump’s campaign finances 3/ How involved he was with getting

Who are you to say they aren’t?

hot take Boris.

Yeah, which is why its the last thing guilty people do. Its not a great strategy but its his only strategy. He’s going to jail. Probably soon.

You’d do the same thing if you were about to go to jail.

That doesn’t say anything about their credibility. That’s a personal hit piece on one of their employees.

Cool story Sunshine. Went from “I made no just comment” to some other lie. Have fun being a liar and living in fantasy make believe land.

lol didn’t I just read a comment you made to someone else about how PubMed Central is a publishing house? What was that about being ignorant?

No. They’re Nazis. Nazis invaded countries like Poland and France and killed plenty of foreigners. Granted, Europeans invaded North America hundreds of years ago, but its still the same thing. Brown folks were here before us, we showed up, imposed our borders on them and now these people are fucking Nazis.

You all laugh, but this is really about the rich giving back to us poors. Its a real opportunity for us! I just got a great new job in this terminal as a butthole wiper!

Look! Over there! Someone spray painted gullible on the side of your house!

Thanks. Butthead.

No one gives a shit about about your negativity bias. You big emotional baby.

That’s probably because you don’t know anything about working in a factory with undocumented workers. I did for a brief period in college and no call/no shows are pretty regular. Many of these people don’t speak English, don’t have a working telephone and are basically picked up off the street by employers looking to

people who lean to the right tend to react to politics emotionally as opposed to thinking about them rationally. they are driven by fear of change and a negativity bias.