Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

Trump’s election was the shit that dribbled out of a backlash to the previous adminstration, (mostly) by an increasingly (but IMHO not soon enough) Baby Boomer’s diapers because they had a fucking tantrum generation.

No look he’s a public servant and servants are usually black people and black people are lazy so he can be lazy because his name is Rand Paul and Ayn Rand is awesome so he’s awesome.

its the name of an insurance company. same name as the red’s stadium.


I hope that this reminds him that he’s the only person in the county who couldn’t make money selling football, red meat, booze and gambling to Americans.



I’m not sure I entirely agree, but not strongly enough to protest.

And some of the best horse farms in the country. Bourbon Co. or GTFO.

And mind the taint.

How about they fix the Great American Tower instead? Maybe the stadium wouldn’t need renovations if it wasn’t in the shadow of a building that looks like a huge fucking penis.

lol sure. that’s a thing people can tell themselves.

Ah. My mistake then. Apologies and let’s both toast to the age of information!

All things considered, Fox News is the idealized work place for the MRA faction voice of America for the GOP.

lol no. the only reason he’s out is because companies pulled their ad $$$’s. not because of a sudden groundswell of ethics. in fact, i think i recall reading recently that the overwhelming majority of his viewers still support him despite everything.

I must have missed something because last I remember we were all laughing at her and Drake for being talentless hacks.

They’ll all be laughing until the AS SEEN ON TV infomercial shows a bunch of idiots trying to squeeze the bag and then it exploding all over them.


Sean Spicer then compared it to the Allied invasion of Normandy and the reality/parody circle was completed.

Up 3 games to 1 too. Unbelievable. Not really road warriors, were they?