Its cool everyone. I fixed it. Now it looks better AND its more Jesus-y.
Well, what do you expect? Conservative principals are based on flawed world views and a lack of critical thinking. Critical thought and self-awareness has no place in the conservative mind.
*Chucks flag*
This is the terror attack I was talking about! Everyone said it was fake news, but its real news! I’ll tell Fat Sal, who I think is Swedish, and probably get an extra shift in the workshop. On my way to #MAGA!
Anecdotally, I observe that the contemporary preoccupation with a particular kind of food fanciness and diversity has penetrated black communities less, and those are also the groups where music might in some cases remain politically important.
Hip hop is the new protest music. One word for this guy.
*Chucks flag*
lol okay Chad. Have fun up there on your high horse.
lol This is great. Statements made in a vacuum are the BEST kind of statements.
Iceland. Not even any real ice! More like FakeNewsLand. They’d probably sell us all fake ice in their commissaries and say its diamonds. #MAGA
That’s not what I said.
Must be nice living in a world that’s so black and white.
aw. that’s nice. horribly naive and idealistic, but nice.
Moose and Squirrel Boris. We would kill moose and squirrel. #MAGA
Who is this Mary person and why is everyone always talking about fucking her or killing her? I would negotiate another sort of deal, and grabb Mary by her pussy. You have to move on these female guards lik bitches to Make Attica Great Again! #MAGA
Failing blog Deadspin can’t even make up its mind about killing Assad! I would kill him for two packs of smokes and some cherry toilet wine, good deal! Make Attica Great Again! #MAGA
lol okay great point there Buttercup.
Obama doesn’t launder money for the Russian government… So no. No its not.