
Well in 2020 there will be no Trump candidacy. That alone is enough for me to want to invent a time machine and go there.

He used the word “ghetto” not “hood”, I believe. Which is so tone deaf. Apparently he is stuck in a 1970's episode of Kojak.

Condescending is assuming that all black people live in the “ghetto” which Bernie Sanders did.

Wait. Hillary has to take responsibility for the 1994 crime bill but Bernie does not even though he voted for it? Okay dokey.

And his speech at the 2012 convention was nothing short of brilliant. I think he is showing his age.

Yeah, but he still gets credit for the amazing work done by the Clinton Global Initiative.

1. He’s pretty old now

I agree. Occupy Wall Street has the same problem. They were more comfortable camping out and protesting then organizing into a real political movement.

Wow. Ageist much? A heckler holds a sign calling Hillary a murderer and your issue is with Bill Clinton, not the heckler? WTF?

And after Hillary wins the nomination, you will be voting for Trump, like a good “feminist”.

Good point.

Really? Because I’m tired of being called a “cunt” by Bernie supporters and then being told that Berniebros don’t exist. If being called a white male is the worst that you have suffered, then it must be nice. I’ve been told that I should be burned alive, that I’m “on the rag”, that I’m a racist (and I’m a woman of

Get the stick out of your butt and get a sense of humor. I mean, I realize that women are put on this earth to serve men’s every waking need, but still.

No. Men on average are given at least an extra 20 years before they are considered old.

Who said anything about life sentences (unless they are serial rapists). We’re lucky if they get a few years. Some of them get probation. Of course prison sentences are designed to punish. They ruined their victims lives. They should be punished.

Are you a feminist? Yes or no?

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry I questioned a rape apologist. Please please please put me in my place you MRA anti-feminist random dude who only comes onto Jezebel to mock rape victims.

Millennials get criticized for being 20 years old and lecturing people twice their age about life. No one responds well to barely adults with no life experience acting like they know it all. When I was that age I was probably insufferable too. When you are over 40 and being lectured by 20 years olds, believe me, you

OMG, that’s hilarious. There is no Hillary or Bust movement. I’ve yet to see one single Hillary supporter say that they would not vote for Bernie if he wins the nomination. And yet every single comment section on social media is bursting to the seams with the Bernie or Bust crowd delighted at the prospect of

God that pisses me off. It’s the cult of personal over the real substance of how government functions. Those idiots. They can’t be bothered understand that both state and federal supreme courts will affect their lives so much more than any presidential primary.