
Yeah, the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” is not a good look for Bernie.

Hell, if we could have trained it to click on some lever to sign into law any liberal policies, I would vote for a literal chicken over any GOP candidate!

I’ve been going on long diatribes about the supreme court to the Bernie or Bust crowd, when really all I should have written was “THEY AREN’T THE FUCKING GOP CANDIDATE JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE”!

Oh, you’re wife. Okay, let’s box up feminism and go home because your wife hasn’t been questioned (which I highly doubt during the course of her career). And really all that matters is some random MRA on Jezebel and his wife.

Gawker has turned into a cesspool of MRAs, right wing trolls, and Berniebros (as distinguished from reasonable Bernie supporters).

And both Hillary and Obama were democrats who actually gave a damn about the party and down ticket races. Bernie could care less. He’s basically an anarchists wet dream. Both Obama and Hillary, by contrast grew the party and created coalitions. Bernie’s so called coalition call themselves independents and want to burn

90% of the worst Bernie trolls lurk on Gawker not Jezebel.

I’ll let Barney Frank speak on my behalf:

Cool privilege bro.

I know you like to stereotype all Hillary supporters as being this monolithic middle aged white woman who is a racist, so I’m sorry to burst your anti-feminist bubble, but I (a woman of color) supported Obama in 2008 and was pissed off at Clinton for some of her tactics. Hell I even though about not voting for her

Lol. Yes, Hillary keeps them all in a room and feeds them a steady diet of raw meat and Red Bull to prepare them to attack on command. (Also, wouldn’t that be great if she had such a group to send after Trump during the general election?)

Not to mention that white men have been calling women and minorities “unqualified” for the job for centuries. It’s just not a good look for him.

I am so bothered by his treating reproductive rights as an afterthought that falls way down the list of his priorities. And lately when he said that Trump’s comments about abortion were just a distraction by the media that should be focusing on economic issues (rather than roundly condemning Trump and talking about

Me too. I used to call him “a sweetheart” and not hold him accountable for his nasty followers on social media. Now I think he knows very well that he is spurring them into a frenzy.

This election has been a referendum against Obama by Sanders and his followers. Although 90% of them don’t see the cognitive dissonance in supporting Obama but blaming Hillary for policies that he shares.

Jeez, I didn’t see the parallel with the anti-feminist mantra until you spelled it out. The term “unqualified” is used as a bludgeon by privileged white men against women and minorities.


Lol. Should I be worried about being burned at the Stake by a pack of Berniebros?

And by doing so he also dissed Obama for picking her as SOS.

Those subset of Bernie supporters who are dismissed as “privileged white males” are the ones proudly announcing that they won’t vote for Hillary if she is the nominee (which polled at 30% of Sanders supporters) and think a Trump presidency is preferable (if only because they think a revolution will magically ensue).